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You know why I love this forum?

Because it's so... easygoing and positive. Due to my job I have to deal with tons of internet-related drama, monitoring countless forums drowning in flames and flocks of aggressive fellas just spoiling for fights.

Here? No, sir. Cultivated conversation concerning a passion we all enjoy. It is true - wetshaving is a gentleman's domain. These forums prove it every day. That's why every night, before I head to bed, I'll take a look at what's new, enjoying the general tone and cordiality.

So here's to all the admins, mods and members making this place great. Thanks! :001_smile
I agree about the moderators part. I posted something the other day that should be been posted elsewhere or in a different way. Their communication with me was very pleasant. My thanks to them as well...
Have been searching forums for over 10 years trying to find some civilized people. B&B is a breath of fresh air.:thumbup:
Yep, this place is very civilized - disagreements are almost always treated as a difference in opinion rather than a personal attack. Very mature and it makes coming here a joy. Big props to the admins and mods, but the general membership deserves mucho credit, too.
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