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You get some strange people on the internet!

yes, yes you do encounter some strange people here on the internets.... check out peopleofwalmart dot com. while the people there are strange enough, there is one fella (and i'll be danged if can remember who he is) that has a youtube channel. most of his vids are of him singing songs, and strange little story bits.......

honestly, i could look him up so you could see for yourself... but i don't want to :001_huh:
I'd like to politely and respectfully ask that my image be removed from this thread. That suit was a gift from my mother and I will not have it mocked on a public forum.

Hey that could be someone that you know.

I work with a guy that goes to star trek conventions in full coustume. I was shocked when I found out, I thought I knew him pretty well, been to his house a couple of times, worked with him for several years etc. never even sgot a hint that he was into that stuff. It was so completely opposite of everything I knew about him. Not that I think star trek conventions are all that strange, its about a 2 on my wierdness scale.

Believe me people that you know are into some really deep, dark, sick and wierd stuff. Trust me on this one.
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