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You are all terrible.

Normal person: Hm, just purchased TFS hard soap, this is awesome, glad I found a product I love.

B&B enabled me: Hm, just found a great product, MUST FIND MORE.

Klar and Speick are on the way...
... Why just today I muttered I hate you all and bought a Merkur 11c - just so I had all 3 HD style razors and to see which I liked the best. Then I started cruising handles for franken razors, as I am getting a vintage Gillette OC head soon too... THEN someone goes and posts a Weber in the B/S/T... Thank God I was eating dinner. I would have bought 3 razors in one day. AD knows no boundries.
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Haha that was my Weber...I was feeling bad for the unnecessary soap purchase. Sucker was gone in less than a minute.

Oh I know who was the tempter on that one. Just sayin AD knows no boundries... The soap purchase may have been AD enabling karmic retribution.
Weber #1: Awesome, a stainless steel razor, bet that'll last forever!
Weber #2: Well, the weber is the only razor I'll ever want, so...better buy another!
Technically I only bought the speick to get free shipping, since it seemed better to spend $7 and have something to show for it, versus $5 for shipping...

(right, right?)
The real problem is that I finally brought home a winner for Mr. Gluestick, so I can't blame new software acquisitions on "gifts" anymore.
Normal person: Hm, just purchased TFS hard soap, this is awesome, glad I found a product I love.

B&B enabled me: Hm, just found a great product, MUST FIND MORE.

I definitely haven't seen anybody give advice of the "normal person" variety around here in a while. The enabled version sounds more familiar to me.
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