My sister recently returned from a buisness trip to China and brought back some tea gifts for me, one of which is a lovely Yixing cup. It is a lidded cup of greater than 200ml when filled to the brim, nearly 8oz. So this is too large for the teas I usually serve in the gong fu style, and I feel that many of the teas I serve in the western style would either be a waist or drunk to infrequently and I'd like to use this regularly. So I'm thinking of a good Yunnan Black like a Wu Liang Mountain black tea that I think may be good brewed in the western tradition, and still be of a quality that it would be worth seasoning a cup with. The problem is I don't know if that's a good idea or not. The teas I usually have with a single longer steep are along the lines of a Scottish Breakfast, or other Assam/Ceylon type blend with sugar and occasionally milk, brewed strong and often as an accompaniment to my pipe on cold evenings. I never try to smoke when I'm trying to use the Gong Fu method, its distracting and I'd rather focus on the tea. I just don't want this cup to get funked up with a bunch of sugar and strong malty-peaty flavors. So what suggestions do you gentlemen have? I'm looking for a quality tea at a reasonable price point that is good for western style brewing.
Second how would you recommend seasoning this cup? I don't know if the filler up with tea and boil is wise here or not.
Second how would you recommend seasoning this cup? I don't know if the filler up with tea and boil is wise here or not.