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Yet another re-plating question

When getting the nickel plating only, how close is this to the original? If the razor was mechanically perfect only missing some plating on the silo doors and guide bars, would I be getting a razor back that is pretty much like new original? I read before the plating is actually thicker. Is this true?

Now second question,

I really like the idea of the added layer of silver over the nickel for hygienic reasons as silver kills micro organisms on contact. Is this layer of any substantial thickness or is it similar to a wash that will come off in a short time?

Is a razor re-plated in silver able to be cleaned with silver cleaner or will that take the silver off...

The Flare tip super speed I picked up today (F-1) was a really well loved razor, I can tell by the plating wear. The rest is super strong. I have been thinking about getting one re plated for a while. This one seems like the perfect candidate as everything is nice and tight.

Lastly if anyone could suggest who to send it to, I would really appreciate it. I was thinking the Razor restoration in the UK. His prices seem fair.

Is there anyone else I could consider? Any members of this forum perhaps?





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I had a 56 Flair Tip and an Old Type head replated in nickel by Krona Kruiser recently an they came out great.

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Two in the States to AVOID, based upon very spotty, inconsistent service, are West Coast Razors and Razor Emporium.

Krona Kruiser, a B&B member, enjoys a good reputation, but deals with nickel only. Reliable Electroplating in Massachusetts also gets good press here, and they will do nickel/rhodium/silver, and I cannot recall if they do gold. Google them. They have one of mine, which should be back soon (they estimate 4-6 weeks total, and it's about 4 now). I'm sure there are others, maybe even in your own backyard.

Best of luck!
onotoman here at B&B runs restored razors.com he does fantastic work. He has a fantastic example of a red tip replated in silver with a gold TTO knob on the bottom (Look under examples to find the pic) this is the description from his web site.

Silver – Applied over Nickel for Durability:

£20 for the Nickel and £10 for the Silver
£30 in total ($46)

he is in the UK. Web site is http://www.restoredrazors.com/mall/infopageviewer.cfm/RestoredRazors/AboutMe

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Chrome is very hard-wearing but looks a bit cold to me. Silver is less hard-wearing but will still last many years if not polished with harsh abrasive polishes and looks whiter and warmer than Chrome.

Most modern razors are chrome plated, but very few vintage ones were chrome plated. Chrome is a two-stage process involving nickel first then a thin layer of chromium. Actually my Silver plating involves applying nickel first then silver over nickel for durability.

Hope this helps

Does anyone know the differences/pros vs. cons of going with chrome vs. silver? They are the same price.
I can't stress enough how much you have to avoid Razor Emporium.
Just got burned by them, ordered a Rhodium plated Fatboy, got it with the end nut stained and inner thread missing plating...
Run as far as you can, this is not a replater, it's a tin can refurbisher at best...
Every place I go and see plating questions, the guys above seem to only have bad reviews. I would never send anyone to them. But.....they are a banned vendor for a reason. Sorry to read that you had a bad experience with them as well. :thumbdown
To clarify, RE doesn't do the plating. They are a storefront and they send the razors, in batches, to whoever plater they are in contract with to have the plating finished. My razor took three months to get plated before I got it back using RE. Check on the thread in Shopping and Deals named Reliable Electroplating. I had a Slim plated by them with a two week turnaround time.
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