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Yet Another D.R. Harris Almond Soap Question

Have read comments on the scent of D.R. Harris almond soap: some say almond, some say eau de quinine, some say something else. Regardless, is it "almond" soap because it has almond oil in the formulation, like the C&E SAO? Would appreciate hearing from someone who knows the formulation. Thanks for the info.
According to D.R. Harris the almond shaving soap contains almond fragrance but not almond oil. The Hand and Bath Almond Oil soaps do contain almond oil.
Have read comments on the scent of D.R. Harris almond soap: some say almond, some say eau de quinine, some say something else. Regardless, is it "almond" soap because it has almond oil in the formulation, like the C&E SAO? Would appreciate hearing from someone who knows the formulation. Thanks for the info.

It doesn't smell like SAO. The Harris Almond is more of a powdery almond scent. I personally didn't care for it, but other members have reported the soap scent tends to improve over time. I can't remember where I read it, but I recall a member saying that he left the soap stay with the lid off, unused, for a week or so, and the scent improved that way. Scent aside, it is a great performing soap, and I seem to be in the minority of those who dislike how the Harris almond smells.
Chris, I have read that about the scent of Harris almond soap, too. Some describe it is "eau de quinine", apparently a scent popular when Harris almond soap first came out in the 30s (?). I myself have never had the opportunity to smell the soap. The reason I asked the question to begin with was that I probably will wish to get some in the future when my current supplies of soaps and creams runs low. Wanted first-hand info on what the smell "could" be.
The Almond is the only soap from the Harris line that I haven't tried yet. Most gents note that it distinctly does NOT smell like almonds, which is fine by me. Eau de Quinine is the general consensus. It's highly regarded as a true classic English soap - I'm looking forward to when I finally get a puck of it...
I just got a puck and I can't smell any Almond scent. I'm looking forward to discovering what the lather smells like. As it is, I like the scent of the soap just wondering where the almonds went.
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