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ye gods woman

As my train pulled out of Cardiff station last Friday I caught the unmistakeable scent of GFT Sandalwood cologne. It's one of my favourite colognes so I mentally complimented the wearer on their taste, and even wondered if they were a DE shaver too.

The scent grew stronger and stronger, and I realised the woman who had taken the seat in front of mine had literally doused herself in it - she utterly reeked.

I hadn't thought of it a something a woman would wear before, it doesn't seem particularly feminine. Trying to ignore the overpowering scent I wondered if it was an accident, a combination of poor eyesight and anosmia, or perhaps it was cover for an extramarital affair with a man whose cologne lingered long enough for her husband to detect it.

Fortunately she detrained in Bridgend while I was still only faintly nauseated. :001_smile
or perhaps it was cover for an extramarital affair with a man whose cologne lingered long enough for her husband to detect it.
:w00t: my grandma keeps saying this. is it a true occurrence? i don't think i'd bother. she also said jovan musk was for hoochies that ran of with soldiers during the war lol!

anyways... gft kinda smells like chanel egoiste that came from a feminine i believe. don't remember what it was called though. bois something. so it's definitely wearable for women.
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