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Yardley Shave Soap

Hi all,
I have just started DE shaving. I hadn't even considered it until I read a newspaper article about how Gillette and Schick where downgrading their profits in Australia because of the recent trend for beards! There was a link to Dollarshaveshop and equivalents and then I came across this forum, and was a lurker for a few days. Then I went to a vintage shop two weeks ago and found a Gillette tech from probably late-40s according to Mr Razor - in case, with some Gillette blue blades for $45. Got some modern blades online, have been getting down my technique with a few Dorcos before moving on to Astras and others! Really enjoying the difference!

My dad has always had a full beard, so I started on granddad's old electric from the 70s, then moved on to a Mach 3, then a newer electric, and a Fusion Power. I was going for about a week without shaving because I didn't enjoy the experience, and the cartridges were so expensive. Now I've been using the Tech every day for about 2 weeks and loving it! I've been using a boar brush for a few years, and shaving cream from a tube and lathering on face. Recently ran out of that so tried a Palmolive shave stick and have been surprised by lather quality, but not keen on the scent at all!

I really didn't even contemplate that anything other than cartridge was an option for me. Great change! Of course I've had a few nicks, but have been reducing in frequency and severity, haven't had one for a few days, but its all down to technique, and that's improving every day.

So, why I'm posting here. I picked up a Yardley shave soap wrapped in plastic a couple of days ago for $12 from a Second Hand Shop round the corner. Anyone have any idea about dating of this one? I'm guessing because it was still in plastic it's not going to be THAT old. But any ideas anyone? I hear its well sought after, is it all that are sought after, or just the older ones? Looks like the pics have come out sideways, sorry about that.

EDIT: I'm not asking for an exact date obviously, but maybe a decade? Maybe someone who has some yardley will recognise the packaging and know a bit more. :)



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Yardley used that packaging in the 60s thru to the end, which was what? 78 or 79 as I recall. I don't know when they started using that look. I didn't pay attention to what it looked like until the late 60s. Good find. I really miss that stuff.

I regret not testing the puck I found for $5. It had the original box, sealed and everything. Sold it for many many times what I purchased it for :(
Congrats on your find! I hunted for mine for months. Be advised that on alot of the older soaps, they tend to harden up quite a bit. You'll need to use it a few times to moisten it up before you see it's true potential.
I used it this morning - not a great lather, but enough to work with - I'm sure you're right Chris and it will take a few days to moisten up.

I also used an Astra blade for the first time this morning, I have been using Dorco 301s. The Astra was amazingly smooth, although I did get a bit of skipping, which is a new experience. With the Dorco I was having to hack away a bit (many buffing strokes) at the chin area, because of the toughness of the stubble there.
I'm still having trouble getting a smooth neck, at the point of curve from true neck to under jaw if that makes sense. I'm sure it's blade angle, will have to keep working to improve my technique.
Definitely looking forward to sensing the Yardley mature!
I found an unused Yardley soap and bowl when I was just looking for a wooden shave soap bowl. I like to refinish old bowls and put em to use.

I'm not much of an antique store guy but that find may make it more likely to go in.

It still has a little scent, shaves great. Price was less than a new DR Harris soap bowl :tongue_sm
Shame on you young noob for finding the holy grail of soaps in your early stages of shaving career. May you forever be spoiled...

To say I am jealous is putting it mildly :)
I looked for Yardley for a couple years before finally picking up a partially used puck on BST. It was worth the wait and cost. Enjoy it.

Here is my version of this great soap. I am not entirely sure of this one but I think my father purchased it some time during the 70ies. IMO, the lather is absolutely stunning in slickness and protectiveness. It is at least on par with Tabac.


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I used it this morning - not a great lather, but enough to work with - I'm sure you're right Chris and it will take a few days to moisten up.

I also used an Astra blade for the first time this morning, I have been using Dorco 301s. The Astra was amazingly smooth, although I did get a bit of skipping, which is a new experience. With the Dorco I was having to hack away a bit (many buffing strokes) at the chin area, because of the toughness of the stubble there.
I'm still having trouble getting a smooth neck, at the point of curve from true neck to under jaw if that makes sense. I'm sure it's blade angle, will have to keep working to improve my technique.
Definitely looking forward to sensing the Yardley mature!

Give it a stiffer brush for a couple of days...lather will sing in no time!
I only have one brush :( I'm sure I'll pick up a few others along the way though! I have a desire for a wee scot because I travel so frequently - the size will be convenient. But my AD hasn't really kicked in yet. It might be started with the purchase of a brush though!

I still have the brush I bought for about $10 at the local chemist about 2 and 1/2 years ago while still using Fusion catridges. It's called a 'Windsor', but that probably doesn't mean very much. It's boar bristle. Does the job, but isn't anything special. I think it might be this one - http://hairsupplies.com.au/store/product/20067/Windsor-Shave-Brush-A12-(D)/ I'm looking forward to when I get one/a variety of quality!
Great, the price of Yardley shave soap just went up. We now will have “Yardley Shave Soap Envy.” I guess I will have to be satisfied with the currently available Yardley shave cream. Congratulations on your find. Happy shaving. David
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