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X2l, x1, x3 ?

I've been wondering aboutthe various letters mean in some Simpson bush names. I assumed that an X2 was longer than and X1 but not sure where the L comes in. I have a Colonel X2L a and Commodore X1. The X1 is a pretty short loft and I know that most Commodores are X2 and have more loft than mine. I have never seen a Colonel except the X2L, and many of the Simpson brushes don't have this kind of designation.
The Colonel only comes in one size. The Commodore X2 has a thicker knot and higher loft than the X1, and the X3 has a thicker knot and higher loft than the X2, although my X3 comes in a little short with a 48 mm loft (specs say 50mm).
I bought my X3 from the superior shave so I could get a shorter lofted one and it is awesome ~ I'd highly recommend it.
The Colonel only comes in one size. The Commodore X2 has a thicker knot and higher loft than the X1, and the X3 has a thicker knot and higher loft than the X2, although my X3 comes in a little short with a 48 mm loft (specs say 50mm).

Makes sense, I wonder what the L meant.

Also is the X2 Commodore a larger dia knot or denser. I have the X1 and it seems very dense, but quite short. It is almost identical to my Case.
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Density generally varies between models not sizes, ie; the duke line is denser than the commodore line. The x2 should just have a thicker knot and taller loft with comparable density. However, Simpsons are said to vary a bit even between identical models.
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