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WWII - The Very Final Hours

As we commemorate the outbreak of World War II today, it is with fascination that I read this report on the BBC News site, in which a personal bodyguard of Hitler's, (now in his 90s), describes those last moments in the bunker. He also gives a slightly amusing account of his first encounter with Hitler.
A few nights ago the Military Channel had a show about Hitler that included his end in the bunker. Interviews with the surviving men and women were part of the story, very fascinating stuff! It was produced by the BBC.
Nice Article.

Such a colossal waste of life and property that war. Modern, educated Europe ripping itself to shreds, Europe's civil war. And not that long ago really. Hard to imagine there are still plenty of people who vividly remember, fought in, or suffered under the conditions of that war. Not to mention the Asian theatre. Never again. Right?
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Thanks for the link. His story is quite the same as told in Albert Speer's "Inside the third Reich". This book was quite a revelation about the details of how the Nazi regime operated.
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