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WTB Tamper - Flat or Convex Tamper ?

There are lots of strong opinions on tampers, but I personally think convex or flat is irrelevant if you grind and dose correctly. I like the Espro tamper - it feels nice in the hand, and lets you learn the "correct" pressure easily.
I've found that tamper shape should be paired to filter basket shape (which is contrary to the popular belief that it should match the shower screen shape).

So, I would say it depends on your equipment. Aside from that, I'll say that I think convex tampers are a bit more forgiving of user error, and I would go a step further to say that I think subtle convex curves give a better extraction than not-so-subtle convex curves when the portafilter preparation is spot-on.

Flat is the classic tamper, and while a lot of people prefer them, I don't personally think that they are the most "universal" shape, even if they are the most popular, or the oldest. ("universal" in this case being the overall best fit for every setup, on average, in comparison to other designs)

Of course, if you want to go with something a little different, you could go with a C-Flat design, or even a ripple design.

I like my c-flat, and while I haven't used a ripple, I have heard good things.
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