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Wow, USPS International Shipping is Expensive!

So I mailed the winner of my last PIF a B&B Essential boar today. It cost $12.75 to mail a 5.5 ounce package from Atlanta to Norway! That was almost as much as the brush, $20.00. I also mailed a tub of TOBS Sandalwood which weighed 11.4 ounces to Ontario and it was $9.15! This was USPS First Class with no tracking or insurance.

I guess the days of $5.00 shipping internationally through the USPS are gone.
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I got moves like Jagger
Just received a hone from the BST that was $32.95 shipping, and no it wasn't a DMT. :tongue_sm
Is that Sandalwood is the one we spoke about many many moons ago?
Just received a hone from the BST that was $32.95 shipping, and no it wasn't a DMT. :tongue_sm
Is that Sandalwood is the one we spoke about many many moons ago?

:lol: It's ironic that you're the first to reply to this thread about your tub of TOBS. Yes, it is the same one we talked about six months ago. I'm really bad at shipping and you have a good memory!

I guess the high prices are to be expected with the financial troubles that the USPS is having.
Yea, the Goulet's mentioned this recently and I've felt it in a few ways because I send t-shirts out internationally and it's never fun seeing the bill.

Ah well, I guess they have to keep themselves around somehow.


B&B membership has its percs
Try the same ship with the private guys .. USPS is a bargain compared to the privateers .. the UPS calculator shows it would cost $11.32 to ship a 6x6x6 .5 pounder from Michigan just to Atlanta, GA., let alone offshore. I tried UPS rates from here to Norway, and it wasn't anyway near cost competitive.

I'll stick with USPS, until our congress decides to end the service (aided not at all by contributions from UPS & FEDEX et al)
yep...usps jacked the prices WAY up in January....I sent a couple of packages to Sweden and the cost was nauseating.After the 4lb. limit ,you will really get bent over even worse !The government is siphoning off the post office income to subsidize the 2 billion a day "war"....The American post office was always one of our most trusted and reliable entities,but the future looks dim.
USPS still isn't no where near as bad as Canada Post.
I mailed a package from Nova Scotia to Ontario a few weeks ago. First they complained that the package was so small they could barely fit the label on it, then proceeded to charge me $12 as the cheapest shipping option!
I noticed this recently.

Ship a brush to the UK was $14.90 last week.

In October '12, to ship 3 brushes was $13.90 so quite a hike

In fairness, the 14.90 parcel arrived quicker (around half the time) but the hike is a fair bit.
When I order from G&C whatever my order is in dollars shipping is the same. $50 order then $50 shipping. They are no more expensive than others I deal with and I wouldn't buy from them if I was happy with the overall deal. Have bought a razor or 2 off a B&B member via Ebay and he only charges $12 at that very reasonable IMO.
USPS is underrated. 99% of the tens of thousands of packages that I have sent have arrived at their destination on or before their expected delivery date.
USPS jacked the cost of international shipping up in January, I believe.

They did. But international shipping the other way around has gone up as well. Even shipping within the EU has become expensive!

I think the days of inexpensive international buying are over, at least for now.
I mailed a package from Nova Scotia to Ontario a few weeks ago. First they complained that the package was so small they could barely fit the label on it, then proceeded to charge me $12 as the cheapest shipping option!

I know, you would think smaller= cheaper but not with CP.
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