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Wow! I think I'm in love!

So, just finished my first straight razor shave. Got the 5/8 Dovo Best Quality and Latigo strop from Vintage Blades. As per the instructions posted on a huge sticker stating that Lynn honed the razor, I didn't need to strop before the shave. That, my friends, is one sharp blade. I am sure before too long I will be missing that sharpness as my rookie stropping skills will need work. I lathered up and went at it. First stoke tried to apply pressure and realized I was being silly. As soon as I let up, the blade sliced effortlessly through my two day stubble. The instant feedback was incredible. Decided to do two WTG passes for practice followed by the third ATG on the neck and XTG on the face. All went well with exception of a few weepers (man that blade is no joke!) and of course my first shave wouldn't be complete without a nice little nick on my chin. BBS in some places and DFS in the rest. I am hooked and even thought I am sure to get many bad shaves before I can get consistently good shaves, this feels so right. I am sure to go back to my DE from time to time, but for now the Merkur is benched. I must say that the success of this and future shaves would be for naught without the endless wealth of information on this site and some excellent videos on youtube. I will be posting from time to time to tell about my progress and failures, probably more with the latter.
Welcome to the club! It only gets better...until you get overconfident :lol:

Yep...the other day I was thinking "I am going to have my first nick free straight shave", mere seconds later I sliced into my upper lip quite nicely while doing a XTG pass. DOH!! :lol::lol:

But the journey is a lot of fun, and totally worth it!!
I hear you. I got my custom today and the blade is about half an inch longer than any other straight I have used. Coupled with a wicked French tip and the fact that I haven't used a straight in 4 months, I managed to carve a nice gouge in my jaw line.
Don't worry, I am and will continue to stay humble. Gave myself a nice little cut on the cheek with the toe of the blade on shave #2 this morning. I respect the blade for sure. I just hope I can respect the strop as well! Or, I might get a hone soon. I have been doing tons of research and think I could give it a go without too many issues.
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