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Wow - Awesome quick shave

I always shave in the evening because it gives me a solid 30 minutes to enjoy it. I was heading off to bed and had not yet shaved. I was going to skip my daily shave but I decided to have a quick one because I love it.

Used my Merkur 38 with an Astra SP. Cremo as a pre-Shave and face lathered with an Arko stick. 2 WTG and 1 ATG quick passes. I usually take my time and really enjoy the shave but tonight I was in a hurry. I hit myself with the alum and felt nothing. Quick rinse with witch hazel and followed up by some Skin Bracer (by Mennen) AS. A DFS bordering on BBS.

Was not expected at all. I was hoping for a quick shave without blood. Got way more than I had hoped for.

As I read this, I realize that this is a "Cool Story, Bro" thread but I wanted to share. :thumbup:
Congrats on a "good scrape" LOL I prefer to shave in the evening as well, last night, far from fine shave. Decided to shave this afternoon before my haircut and DFS A nice surprise like yours really makes your day...or your night in your case ;-)
30 minute shave... I assume you mean after the shower or hot towel prep is done?
How does that work so that the cream/soap doesn't dry out during a pass?
I'd struggle to make 3 passes last more than 15 minutes, tbh.
I usually take a hot shower to soften the beard. After that the 30 minute shave begins:

apply a pre shave and let that sit for a few minutes while I prepare my lather
Apply first lather to the face and slowly shave with the grain.
Warm rinse and re lather
another WTG pass and relather
slow ATG pass and a warm rinse
Check for spots that need to be touched up
lather for a touch up
touch up
cold rinse
alum-wait a few minutes clean up the sink
witch hazel - wait a few minutes clean and dry the razor
After Shave splash

all told about 30 mins.
Funny coincidence. Awoke to find my thermostat bit the dust, house cold, hadn't shaved in a couple of days, decided to just do a quick pass-and-a-half with the slant and an Astra....same result as you! Could we be overthinking this??:confused1
I usually take a hot shower to soften the beard. After that the 30 minute shave begins:

apply a pre shave and let that sit for a few minutes while I prepare my lather
Apply first lather to the face and slowly shave with the grain.
Warm rinse and re lather
another WTG pass and relather
slow ATG pass and a warm rinse
Check for spots that need to be touched up
lather for a touch up
touch up
cold rinse
alum-wait a few minutes clean up the sink
witch hazel - wait a few minutes clean and dry the razor
After Shave splash

all told about 30 mins.
Ok fair enough.
After my shower I just soak the razor & brush in a sink full of hot water while I dry myself. Then I face lather 3 passes, warm rinse, cold rinse, alum, another cold rinse, pat dry then aftershave.
I can do that in 10 minutes at a push, but usually it takes about 15.
I also had one of those nice surprises this morning. Was running a little late, so I decided to scale back my usual routine. I was expecting a borderline acceptable shave, but was pleasantly surprised by a DFS. I also used a Merkur and an Astra blade. Must be something about that combo!
Ok fair enough.
After my shower I just soak the razor & brush in a sink full of hot water while I dry myself. Then I face lather 3 passes, warm rinse, cold rinse, alum, another cold rinse, pat dry then aftershave.
I can do that in 10 minutes at a push, but usually it takes about 15.

I bowl lather, but like you, I get a pretty smooth 3-pass shave in about 15 minutes.
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