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Would you? If you could?

Not sure if it's been done before?

$Gold Redtip.jpg $Gold Redtip_1.jpg

I've been thinking about getting some replating done and have never seen super speeds in anything other than nickel.
There's a post with some Popular's that have been replated in black nickel which I think look real special.

If anyone has some replates feel free to post some pics.

(No redtips were hurt creating this post)
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I think they look great as pictured. I can say that I am sure enjoying my Red-Tip lately (factory chrome plate version). I am finding that its increased aggressiveness really allows for a smooth, no-nick shave (my NEW was causing nicks and irritation on part of my neck as of late, especially when unshimed). Having it replated would reduce its aggressiveness a tad due to the thickness of the nickel plating so it may not shave the same when you get it back. That is more of a concern with TTOs because a shim will not change the blade spacing like it would on a three-piece.
it will become more personal if you replate in another colour, so your audience will be smaller if you decide to sell.

btw, i don't think the super speeds dissemble well without risk of breaking the neck of the handle.
Just don't put it on Fleabay afterwards as a "rare, one of a kind" model!

Why not? It would be? Just kidding?

Speaking of Rare. I've recently seen a D3 58 super speed advertised as a rare prototype TV Special. It's rare because it doesn't have the same knurled handle of the TV special it has normal super speed handle.

"My friend your next Gillette razor is this Proto type 1958 D3 date code these were called the TV razor. These were advertised on TV the reason they are called TV razors. But the rare thing is the handle is the normal knurled look not the straight grooves I have never seen on(sic) like it."

The all gold looks nice. I really dislike the gold with the red tip but I don't even like the look of the original red and blue tips. I like the look of the razors themselves but never cared for the painted metal. I think it really cheapens the look.
If you go through with the gold replate, we require you to post photos of the actual razor. Not photo-shopped pics.
If it turns your crank, I say go for it.
Have fun with it. Go for whatever you want. I myself was thinking about somehow taking the aluminum handle off of my blue tip and finding a way to get it anodized and figure out a way to thread it back on. I was wanting to trick it out just to see if it could be done and if it could, then do it because I could. The end result would hopefully be something I could say "hey look at what I have!"


Needs milk and a bidet!
yup sure would! if i had a comMOn razor, one that i could get easily if i decided i wanted an original one, i'd do one in red. all red. or white.
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