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Would someone recommend an adjustable DE?

I am new to wetshaving and have a Gillette Tech, but I'd like to have an adjustable on hand too. How does the Fatboy compare with the Black Beauty? Or are all Gillette adjustables on a par with each other? Any other new adjustables that offer similar quality? (I read some mixed reviews about the Merker Progress.) Thanks.
I am a fan of Slim Adjustables. For whatever reason, I get better results with a Slim over a Fatboy. The quality of construction for both is quite good. I think it's just a preference/ymmv thing.

I have not tried any other adjustables, however.
I really like the feel of the Fat Boy in my hand. It is a substantial, chunky handle and a reasonable weight. It's a pretty effortless shave.
My order of preference is:
1. Fat Boy
2. Slim
3. Super
It is a very, very small gap between 1 and 2, but a big gap between 2 and 3. I personally don't care for the feel or looks of the Super, but I have, and use, a couple anyway. Weird.
My preference for adjustables I own are:
1. Fatboy
2. Progress
3. Slim

For me its all about the handling characteristics and the slim is just that... too slim IMHO
Down side of teh Fat Boy is trying to find one at a reasonable price (I'm still looking). I would start with a Slim to see if you like adjustables first.


My elbows leak
Staff member
You can get a slim or a super adjustable at a fraction of the cost of a Fat Boy.
A Fat Boy costs X times more than a slim or a super.
The shave from a Fat Boy is not x times better than a slim or a super.
I am of the opinion that each successive Gillette adjustable was better than its predecessor. A late Long Black Handle Superadjustable is about as good as it gets with adjustables, IMO.

-- John Gehman
I have a Progress and a couple of Slims (no Fat Boy, yet). The major difference I find between the two is I set the Slim much higher (5-7) than the Progress (1-2).

Both are great shavers. I mowed through a three-day growth this morning with my Progress on ~1.5 and a new Feather. BBS in two passes with no weepers. I've done the same with my Slim, but the setting was on 6.

The Progress is much heavier than the Slim, and more expensive. The numbers seem to be more for reference than actual settings - i.e. my Progress on 3 may be different from yours. At least that's the impression I get.

If you can find a Progress for a reasonable price, pick it up. I got mine at Nordstrom (before I knew about WCS) for $65. By way of comparison, I found a 62 Slim in great shape in an antiques store for $4.95. I use the Slim more often.
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I have a long handle progress and just acquired a slim. Like them both. The progress is noticeably bigger and heavier - which I like. The head of the slim is much easier to maneuver in tight spaces like around my nose. Haven't used the slim enough to pick a favorite yet but will happily shave with either.
I wholeheartedly agree. The Super is a DISTANT third to the slim. Get either the Fatboy or Slim. Be patient; wait for a nice one either on E-bay, here on B&B, or an antique shop.

I have both the Fatboy and Slim and recommend either of the two. :thumbup:

My order of preference is:
1. Fat Boy
2. Slim
3. Super
It is a very, very small gap between 1 and 2, but a big gap between 2 and 3. I personally don't care for the feel or looks of the Super, but I have, and use, a couple anyway. Weird.
This is also true. I would say pay $25 for a slim instead of $50 for a Fatboy.

You can get a slim or a super adjustable at a fraction of the cost of a Fat Boy.
A Fat Boy costs X times more than a slim or a super.
The shave from a Fat Boy is not x times better than a slim or a super.
I have a '62 Slim and a '69 Super and use the Super a lot more than the Slim. I get fantastic shaves with both. Either one will serve you very well.
I want a Fatboy but not for the prices they're getting.

It's really hard to go wrong with a Super Speed, even though it's not adjustable.
I have a Fatboy, Slim, Mergress, Futur, and Vision. I like all of them. The Fatboy is something of a favorite - I've had it for years and cut my teeth on DE shaving with it.

Though I don't think you could go wrong with any of these. I also think the Futur is an excellent razor, probably my second favorite compared to the Fatboy. That isn't saying the rest are bad, though. I'd be happy with any of them as an only razor.

Pick the one that best appeals to you and is affordable. Your technique has more to do with shave quality than anything else.
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