Saw this old Gillette ad and had to laugh a bit. How things have changed. It's one of the many old ads available on the bay and I was actually thinking of buying it, framing it and hanging it in my bathroom.
He would be proud as all get-out -- Gillette is following his standard model of cheap handles and high profit, disposable razors. They have just taken it to newer heights.
He would be proud as all get-out -- Gillette is following his standard model of cheap handles and high profit, disposable razors. They have just taken it to newer heights.
He would be proud as all get-out -- Gillette is following his standard model of cheap handles and high profit, disposable razors. They have just taken it to newer heights.
I think he would feel like this.
i think gillette, carnegie, rockefeller etc. would all be quite proud. think about the things they loved: money, power, screwing over the government, screwing over tax payers, destroying other business. yept its all there.
they would fit in nicely with goldman sucks, i mean sachs.
Reading these posts, I'm amazed how little people know about KC Gillette. He was a utopian so......t - a communist, really - who wanted to eliminate money and big corporations. As to what he would be thinking today, heaven knows!
P.S. What is going on here?? I typed the word s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t, and the system turned it into "so......t" above. Censorship? Political correctness? What has happened to the USA?