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Worst way to get a warning from the police

In the middle of writing a ticket the driver of the truck I stopped runs back to me and asks for a fire extinguisher because his truck started on fire. I sprayed a decent amount into the cab and a little in the vents. Caught before any damage was done. Then he started his truck again to be on his way, but he forgot that his A/C was still on full blast. He got a mouth full of whatever is in the fire extinguisher. I couldn't write a ticket after that.
Yep if it was only for speeding and the guy had all that happen, your a good man to just drop the ticket :) I'm sure the guy had enough burden on him with his truck catching fire.

but, how bad was the fire that he could just drive the truck off?
Love it! I'm soon to be in Law Enforcement as well, 6 more months of the academy then onto FTO.

I heard about an officer who was writing a speeding ticket to this girl in a sports car (not sure of the date). The girl stated "Officer, I heard that the police don't give speeding tickets to pretty girls"... The officers reply? "Yes Ma'am, you are correct, we don't give tickets to pretty girls, here is your ticket, have a nice day!"

Can we say BURN? Lol.
In the middle of writing a ticket the driver of the truck I stopped runs back to me and asks for a fire extinguisher because his truck started on fire. I sprayed a decent amount into the cab and a little in the vents. Caught before any damage was done. Then he started his truck again to be on his way, but he forgot that his A/C was still on full blast. He got a mouth full of whatever is in the fire extinguisher. I couldn't write a ticket after that.

That is hilarious! :lol::lol::lol:

I have a friend who once pulled a lady over on a 4 lane highway at 2 o'clock in the morning. After she pulled over, he quickly jumped out of his cruiser and walked up to the lady's window. He started to ask for her licence when he noticed that she was pointing back at his car. When he turned around to look, he saw his car traveling backwards down the highway. He was in such a hurry to get out of the car that he threw it in reverse instead of park. He said he felt like Barney Fife running after his cruiser. Luckily the cruiser backed into an embankment and no one was hurt.
The fire department came and checked everything out and told the guy he was good to go. This area is on the fringe of the metro where big trucks and tractors tend to live so this guy was not giving up his truck for anything. Especially a fire. There were also two guys riding in the truck bed so at least they were safe from the fire.

People really really really hate having their car towed for any reason. I once had a truck blow a stop sign and T-bone a car. After the crash the truck only had one operable door and no headlights (pitch black out). The owner begged and pleaded with me to let him drive it home. He got his car towed.

I just love the strange things I come across when I am least expecting it.

Have a great day everyone!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I like the concept of a truck that has to keep air flowing through the radiator at all times because it it stays stationary for too long it gets hot and ignites.

Sort of like how sharks have to keep moving so water flows through their gills.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
From anybody else, I would think this was a joke. But from Ouch? Gods-honest-truth....

Are you kidding? I used to drive around with a new born baby at all times just to talk my way out of speeding tickets. Back then, we didn't have any pesky car seat laws, so you could just chuck em on the passenger seat.
As a retired officer I can just imagine this happening. To give him a money cite would only add to his troubles. Good to hear you only issued a warning.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Are you kidding? I used to drive around with a new born baby at all times just to talk my way out of speeding tickets. Back then, we didn't have any pesky car seat laws, so you could just chuck em on the passenger seat.
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So where'd you keep the case of beer? You don't want to be reaching around to the back seat for a fresh one all the time. That's how accidents happen.
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