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Worst shaving video that i have seen yet.

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I've never been on the expensive cartridge bandwagon, but you've got to admit it's a huge feat of engineering to create a product that can be used like that and remove whiskers without drawing blood.
My, my ... there's two-and-a-half minutes I'll never get back. Did he really have a blade in that razor? And, where the hell was he shaving ...
After watching that, I get the idea he either learned to shave from Shemp of the Three Stooges fame, or he thinks he will be the next Lou Costello (with the appearance of Oliver Hardy). Either way he lacks one thing of being that...he's not funny.

JLKuehl, nice Clutch reference in your signature! Happy to meet another Elephant Rider on B&B!

I have a feeling this is what my "technique" was for the four years I spent scraping gel off my face with a Mach3. One application of the gel and countless passes with the razor until either I was smooth or my face couldn't take it anymore. However, I don't think I ever went anywhere near as fast as that - 10-15 minutes minimum. It's quite extraordinary how you can be so ignorant for so many years about the hair that grows on your own face. I know I was.

I wonder how often this guy changes his blades.
People like him are what it is wrong with America... You have younger generations across the pond mastering math and science to win economically and then you have tons of fun in his basement with broken ceiling tiles and missing teeth using an XXL McDonalds cup to wash out his BS razor. Makes me sick.

Exactly... I couldnt say it better myself. The dog scratch kicked *** though...lol
Unfortunately this is how most men shave these days, a 5 blade razor that takes a battery and vibrates....:lol:
Damn guys,,he striked back today with another shaving video, i was the first one to view it,,and it's as bad as it can be,:lol:
Hes like tennis players, he need to yell when he makes a stroke, i guess it gives him more power.
In fact i think he shaved 2 times today,,he haves 2 new video:

damn, he's got the start of some nasty razor burn in that first video.

I don't know what is wrong with this guy but if a near sighted kid lip syncing 50 cent songs can draw over 1.5 million views in less than 2 weeks, I can see this guy going viral very quickly. and at the rate he's doing stupid things in his videos, I can see this happening, especially with the free press we're giving him.
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Deoderant on Face

Air freshner in Arm Pits

Germ-X in Hair

Aftershave in Hair

Toothpaste in Hair

Deoderant in Hair

Axe Body Wash in Hair

Go, gatherjeff! There are still combinations out there which have yet to be represented in your wobbling crap-pile of crazy! :thumbup:

windex in hair

crushed florescent bulbs in hair.

boiling water in hair.

acid in hair.

any will do
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