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Worst Shave Ever

I was on vacation this weekend in NJ and stumbled upon an old time barber shop. I inquired about having a straight razor shave to treat myself. “No problem” was the response. Then the guy proceeded to shave me with a disposal twin blade razor! What the ??? I was deeply disappointed, but figured it was some pre-shave thinning process before the SR shave. When the guy was done with the disposal, nothing followed. Again, what the ??? This lead to an awkward exchange when it came time to pay. Very very disappointing. And the shave wasn’t even close – one of the worst shaves I’ve had in a very long while. Ugh.
Did you say "straight razor shave", in those terms? If so, once he pulled out a disposable razor, I would have questioned him.
I did specifically say “straight razor shave”

I’ve gotten SR shaves at other shops and sometimes they start with an electric razor (of all things!!) to mow down the tall grass first. Yes, this is disappointing, but that’s how some guys do it. It’s hard to find a barber that does a 100% SR shave – at least what I’ve found. Accordingly, I’ve been forced to permit a few deviations from the traditional 100% SR usage. As disappointing as the disposable was, I allowed the shave to continue because I assumed that the disposal was being used as a primer. I should have spoken up to clarify. Big lesson learned.

That night I actually cleaned up the shave with my own SR. I think from now on I will avoid SR shaves at barber shops unless they specifically advertise such service.
I see. That sucks. I would just say that if you're still interested in getting an SR shave from a barber, and you know what you want (100% SR), don't settle for less from now on. Once something else comes out (electric, disposable, etc.), stop them and say nevermind. Hope it goes better for you in the future. Maybe I'll look into getting a shave from a barber.
Just curious-- what's the going rate for a straight razor shave with a twin blade disposable? More importantly, how much did you tip the barber? :biggrin1:
Our barbers never use an electric or disposable cartridge to shave. However, we do use a Shavette straight razor for sanitary purposes (no honing or stropping, just a split DE blade).
If someone walks in with a big beard that wants it mowed down, our barbers take a clipper to it first to make the job of shaving easier. Im always surprised when i hear peoples experience of being shaved with disposables and Fusion 5 blades at barbershops. That's not what they went to barber college to learn how to do.
As far as I have found, lots of Barber schools don't teach straight razor shaving anymore. I wish I have a place locally that did straight razor shaves.
So I had a similar; actually worse story this past weekend.

My buddy was getting married so he wanted to do the whole straight razor gimmick with the groomsmen. I woke up early to head over and I started talking to the guy while the groom was getting his butters whipped. He said that they use Fusion carts ($35). I said that I was under the impression that we were getting straight shaves. He said that for health code reason we couldn't get a straight shave but he had a shavette and he had 20 years of experience.

What happened next was horrifying. I could feel the burn before he finished. I got up and not only was there irritation on my neck, but there were cuts under my nose, on my jawline, and neck. I have NEVER given myself that much damage. On top of that he missed swaths of hair. I asked for the shavette and went in the bathroom and finished the job. When I got back to the room, I washed my face and I have never felt burn like that - luckily one of the guys had Nivea Balm that calmed things down for me.

My wife gave me the *** happened to you face look as soon as she saw me.

I am done with others shaving me unless I go to some place that is known for straight shaves.
As far as I have found, lots of Barber schools don't teach straight razor shaving anymore. I wish I have a place locally that did straight razor shaves.
I know a good friend of mine who went to Barber College had to straight razor shave a balloon before being able to get a license. He's probably the only barber I'd trust with a straight!
It is unfortunate that there aren't more shops that can give a good straight razor shave anymore. It's almost like its a trial by error process to find out which places are good and bad, and its obviously not an experience that you want to end up being on the 'error' side of... you'd think that with the growth of review websites like Yelp you'd be able to find out ahead of time which places offer a good/bad shave, but I think part of the problem is that the people doing reviews aren't the people getting shaves...
I suspect that the days of getting a real straight razor shave from a barber are past, at least in the USA. While I haven’t surveyed the laws of each state, even where not expressly banned, the customary prescribed procedures for sterilization of virtually all equipment— strops and hones, included— operate as an effective ban. Hence the use of shavettes in many establishments that offer “traditional” barbershop shaves.
My parents used to take me to a neighborhood barber's school, for cheap haircuts. I remember the black and white photos posted at the entrance, of students, straight razor in hand, being hit by flying lather, propelled by a just-burst balloon. Those pictures always put me at ease.

First post, BTW. Hello all! :biggrin1:
Oh, and BTW BTW, there is a very fine barber shop, here in Dayton, which will give you a shavette shave which will curl your toes. The experience made be a believer in pre-shave oil. I've never had a shave before, which was so comfortable and pleasant. I was also introduced to mustache wax at this establishment.

As far as I have found, lots of Barber schools don't teach straight razor shaving anymore. I wish I have a place locally that did straight razor shaves.

That's possible, but i find that very hard to believe, considering thats the only thing that separates barbers from cosmetologists... that, and cosmetologists do nails and barbers cant.
But, there are some states that don't have separate licenses for the two, its just one license. In that case, perhaps that is true. Here in California there are two licenses. I know that in New Jersey there's only one license, and anyone who graduates from beauty school supposedly can shave.
Really surprised you took time from a vacation to seek out a shave from an unknown barber. More surprised you're surprised that the results weren't to your expectations.
just my tuppence!!
Really surprised you took time from a vacation to seek out a shave from an unknown barber. More surprised you're surprised that the results weren't to your expectations.
just my tuppence!!

And why is this so surprising? Lots of people here do just that.
My father was a WW2 vet and near the start of the war was badly injured in a bomb blast and was unconsious for 3 weeks. When he came around he was extremely groggy, but - as a very proud man - knew that he needed a shave. The nurses were very busy and suggested another patient may oblige. A Polish gentleman in a nearby bed took out a straight and offered to shave my father. He agreed. Well, the Pole was perhaps a little out of practice as my father told of immediately noticing drips of blood staining the white sheets. The Pole - with little English - looked apologetic, but nevertheless continued enthusiastically with his task. My father, clearly still not at full strength, allowed him to carry on until the Pole pinched my father's nose, lifted it upwards and approached his moustache with a trembling hand and a look of determination. My father managed to gasp "stop" as he considered the not insignficant blood stains on his sheets. He had never grown a moustache before his injury, but made a decision after this shave never to remove it. He kept it until he died in 1995.
And why is this so surprising? Lots of people here do just that.

Really??? My guess is few of the "lots" would come away happy with the results.
And if it turned out to be the best shave ever, then what???...What a cunumdrum?? Would I have to move to continue to utilize this wonderful barber??
Leave my wife, kids, friends and job. No, the risk is too great. What if he shaves great but butchers the haircut?? Would I have to commute just for the shaves.
Sorry, I guess I'm just not that adventuresome!! But I guess I admire those who are, sort of...
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