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Worse shaves in cold weather?

Hi guys,

As indicated by the last few topics I have started, I have been really frustrated with the quality of my shaves lately. I was in Rome about three weeks ago and got two fantastic straight shaves, but it has just gone downhill from there.

I started with a Tech and Feather, but didn't like it...I tried a couple other DE blades and was still unhappy with the results. I have tried a few different creams, as well. So, this week I have gone back to a Mach III (something I had been meaning to do for a while anyway, just for comparison), and the results are the same: decent shaves, but far from close or DFS, much less BBS. There are areas (chin, one side of my neck, and strangely enough even an area right in the middle of my right cheek) where I have visible stubble, and there doesn't seem to be any way to get rid of it without causing lots of irritation.

The only thing I can think of is that there was a pretty drastic change in temperature, and it has stayed relatively cold since I got back from Rome (where it was still warm, of course). It was poor results like this that led me to trying DE shaving in the first place, and now it is poor results like this that may lead to me growing a beard (which I don't think I would be able to do particularly well). I have sensitive skin, but not a particularly thick beard. I won't say that my technique is perfect, but I am careful at the very least, and am using good products.

Any thoughts or suggestions to help me out?


Make sure your prep is good. I noticed yesterday that I was having a tough time with the back of my head. I usually shave directly out of the shower, but was attempting to shave with a straight, on my face, for the first time. It took much longer than my normal DE shave, so by the time I got to shaving my head it had dried so much it was almost impossible to get a close shave. I splashed some hot water on my head and wrapped it in a towel to get the hair moist again, re-lathered and I got my usual close shave.
I use a scuttle, so my lather is warm no matter what the temperature. I rotate razors and blades more in the cooler months, but I can't say that I notice a difference in the closeness from season to season.
... lots of irritation.

The only thing I can think of is that there was a pretty drastic change in temperature, and it has stayed relatively cold since I got back from Rome
If it's cold enough that your heat is on, that can make a huge difference. The trouble is humidy (or lack thereof), especially if you have sensitive skin. To keep your skin moist (during shave and otherwise) requires a certain amount of moisture in the air. When cool air with normal moisture is heated, the relative humidity drops drastically. Adding about 20°F to the air cuts its humidity in half.

Shaving in a steamy bathroom post-shower might help some, but if your skin is already dry this might not be enough.
OP, sounds to me like your skin is too dry. I'm one of those guys that gets their best shave BEFORE a shower, as the hot shower dries out my skin. If I try to shave after showering, it just tears my skin up and I'm miserable! Also, in the drier months of the year (winter and early spring for me) after shaving I apply a moisturizing AS balm to restore moisture to my skin. This helps alot. I also found that using soap and a brush helps alot more than the canned goop. The canned goop is nothing but detergent!
sounds like whatever your blade of choice is not sharp enough. Not real sure about DE's but when using my straights....I sometimes have a problem with my jowels and I can try pass after pass but the stubble is still visible. this ususally means its time to hone the razor and once it's sharp the problem disappears.
I have the same issues when it gets cold, or when it's hot and the AC is on - making it cold in the bathroom.

My resolution, and it works GREAT is HEAT. Put a hot rag on your face (VERY HOT - 99% of whatever you can tolerate) and keep your lather hot! Since it's been pretty cold here in Chicagoland this week, I use the remaining hot (nearly boiling) water from my morning tea to heat things up.

I'll soak my brush in some hot water, and then whip up some lather in a concentric bowl arrangement with the lower bowl filled with the teapot water. That will keep it hot. I then rub on some warm olive oil that was warmed in the lower concentric bowl for a couple seconds just to heat it up. Let that soak in for a few seconds, then I lather up.

Keeping the lather bowl hot, your brush won't cool between passes, and I've found that the oil does a great deal to prevent evaporative cooling of the skin, also keeping things warm. I've gotten some amazing shaves using this method.

Best regards,

If it's a dry skin issue, I would suggest using an intensive moisturizer at night. My skin is pretty dry, and I find that putting moisturizer on at night is the number one factor in my morning shave - more than any prep, blade, razor or soap/cream.
sorry, but I can't see how weather/temperature makes that much of a difference.

switching creams, blades, routine & DE-to-Mach3 is gonna impact you far more.

I'll take a Merkur HD/Astra SS/Proraso pre/T&H Trafalgar under any conditions! come hail, sleet, sun or scorcher.

technique is king. lose the hot towel over summer ;)
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