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WOOT? Anyone?

Only one item is sold per day. Shipping is always $5.00.

Anyone buy from Woot and how is the service?
Have bought many items from them, and they are awesome. (Also got bought by Yahoo, I believe...) Very big value, and even better service.


I browse Woot and have bought one thing (An excellent power strip). Everything went smoothly.

But I tend to watch the backcountry.com sites more (May be a Utah thing.)

They operate on a similar principle, but the backcountry.com sites change their product roughly every hour, and each site pertains to different products (bicycling, camping, skiing, etc.)
Sue, I'm a semi-frequent wooter, and haven't had any problems at all. Just check to be sure that the deal woot has is equal to or better than the same deal on other sites -- sometimes it's not. I've lost more time than I care to admit to woot-offs (but am 4 BOC's richer!). :001_smile
I have kept an eye on these 'deals of the day' for a couple years now. There is a website I go to, todaysDOD.com, that monitors all the deal of the day websites and shows all the products that are being offered on them. I've bought things from many of the sites listed there and have never had a problem with them.
Good and bad. I bought a DVD that (Thus far, knock on wood) has been great, but I got my dad an Asus EEE PC for Father's Day that broke within days and it was a hassle to return.

I still always check their deals, though.

gone down south

It's worth checking woot.com and sellout.woot.com (heck, wine.woot.com too, if you live in
State that allows direct shipments of alcohol!) in the a.m. to see if there's a deal on something you might want. I've rarely found anyone undercutting their prices.

However, for $5 you get what you pay for in terms of shipping - product will ship when it ships, and I'll sometimes get the tracking email the day AFTER the box is delivered.
I have ordered 2x from wine.woot.com, both times everything was trouble-free. That being said, I didn't pay attention to the delivery times. I ordered not worrying about how long it would take.
I've bought a few items from Woot! but have failed miserably every time a "bag of crap' comes up. The heartbreak one feels is difficult to describe when you have gotten to the check out page with your bag virtually in hand and the server crashes.... :frown: But I did pick up a rockin' Seiko watch from them for dirt cheap, so I guess I can't complain too much.
Only one item is sold per day. Shipping is always $5.00.

Anyone buy from Woot and how is the service?

Have bought several times and love it.

They have several sites, all work the same:

Original Woot! = www.woot.com
Woot! Sellout = http://shopping.yahoo.com/#woot
Woot! Shirts = http://shirt.woot.com/
One that will be popular here, Woot! Wine = http://wine.woot.com/

Newest one is Woot! Kids = http://kids.woot.com/

I want to try to score some Bags of Crap on a Woot!off someday too, have not been lucky enough to win one yet.
Anyone buy a refridgerator or major appliance online? Looking at the 'french door' models, some have free shipping for a lower than in-store price. How does that work? What if they deliver a defective appliance, you can't box it up and leave it at the curb for USPS pick-up.
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