Getting a slim replated for an anniversary gift. Wondering if anyone has found (or has made, you gents are a talented bunch) a nice box like the old Gillette Richwood boxes.
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(If you remember seeing this before----you're right! This is for anyone who's interested who hasn't seen it and might like to---sorry! :S)
Here's one I made for my Dovo str8. Stupidly, I sold EVERYTHING pictured, got 'seller's remorse', and bought the exact same Dovo model again! I should have made a whole run of the boxes while I was set up to do it. I had a little 'support block' fastened about midway on the blade side (you can just see it) to support it so the razor sat nice and level.
This was actually a 'sandwich' of a bottom, middle, and top. It allowed me to drill/saw out the cavity rather than try to template route it. Just the way I chose to make it. Inside bottom was then felt-lined and the support block glued in. I chose not to use any latches either.