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witch hazel.yea or nea


Needs milk and a bidet!
i bought Crystal today (alum) but have been *hearing on here a lot about witch hazel. after doing some research it sounds just like an alum block but in liquid form. so for the people that use it...how do you use it? as an aftershave? or after you shave, then apply aftershave? and what brands would you recommend. i am always interested in try new things with my shave.
I always use WH after the shave. I use alum on occasion. I prefer WH, particularly Thayer's. A lot of goodies in it for you skin. After my WH dries, I apply my AS. And as always, nice to see a fellow Tennessean on B&B.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I always use WH after the shave. I use alum on occasion. I prefer WH, particularly Thayer's. A lot of goodies in it for you skin. After my WH dries, I apply my AS. And as always, nice to see a fellow Tennessean on B&B.
absolutely! Nashville area here. my AD wants me to buy WH now. thanks for the info!
absolutely! Nashville area here. my AD wants me to buy WH now. thanks for the info!

You are going to get a myriad of responses on which WH to buy. I will admit, the scent of all WH is VERY fleeting and the $1.00 generic you can pick up a your local grocery store will work just like the Thayer's, but I like all the good stuff the Thayer's has in it and the variety of scents....even if they are fleeting. The cheapest I have found Thayer is at www.westcoastshaving.com at $8.00 per bottle. You can likely find it cheaper online at some other place..my search was in no way exhaustive. I think the Thayer's is worth the extra money. Many will agree with me and just as many will disagree- fortunately, both answers are right :biggrin1:
Alum = pain, WH = awesome. My alum bar sits with infrequent use. Use it as an aftershave but that doesn't mean you can't add your fav aftershave after.


Needs milk and a bidet!
You are going to get a myriad of responses on which WH to buy. I will admit, the scent of all WH is VERY fleeting and the $1.00 generic you can pick up a your local grocery store will work just like the Thayer's, but I like all the good stuff the Thayer's has in it and the variety of scents....even if they are fleeting. The cheapest I have found Thayer is at www.westcoastshaving.com at $8.00 per bottle. You can likely find it cheaper online at some other place..my search was in no way exhaustive. I think the Thayer's is worth the extra money. Many will agree with me and just as many will disagree- fortunately, both answers are right :biggrin1:
there is never a right or wrong answer here im learning. i did find this http://www.thayers.com/store/index....oducts_id=25&zenid=8blb1vhnhq2r55d683oh3hik17
in case the link doesnt work, its a sampler pack for $17 straight from Thayer's. Nine 2oz bottles. scented and uncented, alcohol and no-alcohol. i figure this will be a great way to figure out the scents i like and with our without alcohol and i can PIF what i dont use!
Yea on WH. I use it more often than not, I have some generic stuff that works fine though it doesn't smell all that great. Thankfully the smell is gone as soon as it dries. I occasionally use alum after a "rough shave". I typically shave>alum(if used>rinse>WH>Aftershave
there is never a right or wrong answer here im learning. i did find this http://www.thayers.com/store/index....oducts_id=25&zenid=8blb1vhnhq2r55d683oh3hik17
in case the link doesnt work, its a sampler pack for $17 straight from Thayer's. Nine 2oz bottles. scented and uncented, alcohol and no-alcohol. i figure this will be a great way to figure out the scents i like and with our without alcohol and i can PIF what i dont use!

Good idea. The regular bottles are 12 ounces. I can tell you the alcohol free unscented is great, I really like the Lavender, but the SuperHazel is my favorite. It has 14% alcohol but conditions my skin very well. The scent is medicinal but is fleeting which is unfortunate because I LOVE the scent of the SuperHazel. I dislike Rose scented anything so I have never tried the Rose, nor have I tried the lemon. Again, it really doesnt matter about the scent because it is gone in seconds- no exaggeration. The sampler is a good way to go if you want to experience the scents.
I tend to use Dickinsons WH practically every shave. Sometimes I don't use anything else after I shave.

Some scented aftershave products start out way stronger smelling than I am comfortable with, and I mix them with WH in the palm of my hand to dilute the scent. (I shaved this afternoon, used WH, haven't used any aftershave as such.)
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I say yea to the Witch Hazel and use a generic brand. It seems to put a nice finish to the shave and my skin likes it.
I can find Thayers at GNC stores. Also, I finished reading a thread a few minutes ago about using alum as an underarm deodorent. I understand WH works too.
For many years I used alum. When my skin began to dry and get itchy from it I switched to WH. Have never gone back to alum. For me WH is THE AS.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Sooo I'm thinking I should buy some WH? Yeah? If only I'd have waited before buying the Crystal alum. Oh we'll just adds to my collection.
Sinatra. Enough said?


PS: Image lifted from this thread started by jb4647.
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Potassium Alum is far more effective than Witch hazel at stopping blood flow.
I've been using it a lot when experimenting with different sharp blade and aggressive razor combinations.

But when I use mild razor and/or mild blade (Shark Super Stainless), witch hazel is more than sufficient, as is the case with most cartridge razors.

Just make sure you don't use Ammonium Alum (good for underarms), which works as well, but stings somewhat more than potassium Alum.

Also, after a really bad shave e.g. when I foolishly try using a shavette again, I use both Alum and Witch hazel - and then Mennen Skin Bracer and anything else I can think of too.
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