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Winter Time At Badger and Blade

Winter Time at Badger and Blade

The aroma of pumpkin pie whiffs through the air. The fire place crackling making the house all toasty and warm. Snowflakes fall gently to the ground, the north wind bringing it's arctic chill. Inside at B&B, hands are wrapped around a mug. We invite those that have been lurking to come in warm themselves at the fire.

The Soap Edition / The Cream Edition/The Skin,Body, Hair Edition

Discussions buzzing about the changes winter brings to shaving. Soaps that are warming and woodsy are discussed. Talk about aftershaves and balms that keep the face from drying out. Heated discussions about what razor and blade combos work best in gentlemanly way.


The Aftershave Edition / The Fragrance Edition

The marketplace is a shopping frenzy for shave goodies. Big boys write out their list in hopes of Santa will bring some shave goodies like a new brush and soap.

The talk moves into the mess hall to see what's cooking,. a pot of chili simmers on the stove. Another pot simmers with soup. Fresh baked cookies come out of the oven.
Wintery blends of coffee or tea are offered. Everyone grabs a couple cookies heads back to the fire place.


The Cafe Edition / The Mess Hall Edition / The Speakeasy Edition

Those that are inclined pack their pipes or light their cigars the air fills with a sweet aroma. A bottle cognac is brought out. The rich caramel color tinted the glass to amber glow. Cheers are exchanged as glasses are raised.

The talk is lively the conservations turning to clothes. What one wears to fight the chill.
Talk of coats scarves and hats for the winter onslaught.


The Great Outdoor Edition / The Clubhouse Edition / The Darkroom Edition

Over in the corner someone brings out their vintage Parker Duofold admiring it. Then demonstrating its fine writing qualities. A discussion erupts over which is better vintage or modern? Which ink is preferred any which journal will be used for the next year.

The Brown Leaf Edition / The Haberdashery Edition

B&B is about so much more then just shaving, it is about enjoying pursuits of life. It all begins in the morning with a great traditional shave. Where you take an extra five minutes to just slow down before the onslaught of your day. Then unwinding before the fire to talk about those pursuits before it begins anew.
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Needs milk and a bidet!
We had that stove in the cabin red hot! Could have probably slept on the roof and been comfortable from the radiant heat.


Wanting for wisdom
Nice thread. Snow is on the ground here. Maybe a spicy hot chocolate or java while browsing B&B is in order.
Good read, just had our first big snowfall here. Just need to replace the cognac with an Islay single malt.
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