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Wing man for Stan? Hold on! I am Stan!


Ok. What is the joke here? I just noticed my tag says Wing Man For Stan.

I am Stan. Or, is there another Stan and we are now wingmen for each other??


or should it be The Other Stan??

I am Stan the Man, or so it says on the door of my stock car. Dad was Stan the Man, too. Said so on his stock car door. So, I guess that makes me Stan the Man II ...... :confused1


Or, one of the Stans.....

Wow. That clip was intense. Looks like that Stan has a bigger Van de Graaf generator than I do. Nikola Tesla had them all beat when it came to firing electrons out of a human body, though! :lol:

The other Stan

It is real. I am Stan. I see that tag by my avatar reads 'wing man for Stan' now. I wonder what that means, is all.

Stan - of some confused sort

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Stan, we are just having fun. The title under your name changes as your post count goes up. The list of titles is somewhat vague and mysterious, I could not tell you what comes next, or when, other than you will not be a wingman for long.

Although... some members have custom titles when they say something that amuses the moderators. :wink2:

I just read some of that linked thread. Man. Why am I a wingman for that Stan? What did I do to deserve that?


Ah. We all get that tag at some point. I thought someone was playing on words there. I have been finding other threads wondering what it meant. I do not want to be a wingman for that other Stan for sure.

Maybe I ought to have used my full call sign, wa2kqy as my name. That is unique in all the world and protected by international law. As it is now, we could have lots of kqy's around here. :lol:

I have this breed of chicken at home, and they lay green tinted shell eggs! And I like eating eggs with ham for breakfast! Looks like I am doomed....:lol:

Seriously, it good to be in the know now, although I am sorry I had to bring that other subject up again I suppose this is going to happen to every Stan when they see that Wingman tag appear.. :lol:

Stan the not as confused

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
yes there can be only one
one cut:
...yes I agree...there can only be one!

But seriously, Stan...you're also 'The Man'! :thumbsup:

"Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was." Robert Louis Stevenson
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There has been a long and distinguished line of wing-men for Stan. And some of them have also been named Stan. And most of us laughed long and hard at that thread... and the one who really thought he was the only...

I've met many "Stan the Man"s in this life, and will meet many more. The truth is there can't be only one. Absolutely cannot. Even were it Stan McLeod. For those of us who studied deconstruction in college... there was Always Already a Stan the Man.

I for one am always happy an honored when I'm the (or a) Wing Man for Stan.

And if any Stan claims me, I'm the other Stan's wing-man. Always, already.
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