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Win7 Here I Come!

I finally decided to do it. I bought a WD 1TB Black drive and an OEM Win7 Home Premium. So if you-all don't here from me for a while, I've screwed things up royally.


I upgraded to the RC of Ultimate x64 back in October after my laptop got a nasty virus *all looking for a serial for Adobe Acrobat 9.0* and I just upgraded the RC 7100 build to the RTM *Retail Version* of Ultimate x64.. Vista was not bad but it was slow boot up and shutdown but win7 is just as fast as XP.. I cannot go back from win 7.. Even my next desktop I build will be running Win 7 x64 Ultimate..

I got a laptop for Christmas, and it came with Win7 installed. So far I've been pleasantly surprised. I may even like it better than XP.
Got a toshiba satellite for me and wife as a x-mas gift to ourselves and windows 7 came installed and it is definitely a winner. Feels and works just like the xp I had on previous dell. Which in my eyes makes it a definite winner.
Got my parents a new laptop for Christmas that came with Win7. I used it for a couple days to make sure everything that's needed was installed. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked. Similar to XP but with some added features. Not too bad! (I'm still not getting rid of my Mac though :001_tt2:)
Anything Windows nowadays will eventually screw things up anyways and require a reinstall..lol..winscrews7 premium/home/home premium!
Anything Windows nowadays will eventually screw things up anyways and require a reinstall..lol..winscrews7 premium/home/home premium!

You either are a Linux/Unix user or a Mac User *OSX in my opinion was a failed attempt at being an awesome OS.. The UI sucks big time in my opinion*.. Actually my last XP install before my desktop motherboard took a big healthy crap was 4 years and still ran like new.. Ever since Microshaft started making every OS run the NT kernel from win xp on *their original plans was with 2K* because the win9x kernel was a ***.. Once 2K came out as a RC, I never ran 9x ever again.. 2K = NT 5.0, XP = 5.1, Vista = 6.0 and and 7 = 6.1 ... So far even upgrading from RC to RTM of Ultimate win7 seems to be really stable and I have not ran into any problems at all.. I personally am a Linux and windows user because a lot of programs does not have a linux opensource clone... But for Windows, I can say 7 is the best to date..

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