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Williams on Ebay

I like to watch stuff like that and see if anyone is silly enough to go for those deals.
Sometimes they even re-list the item :lol:

Have not seen anyone buy any of that overpriced stuff.
It's not shocking that they try this with Williams. It is kind of an old-fashioned-looking, simple-looking box. Of course most people that know about and are interested in shaving soap have probably seen Williams in the aisle (Kroger, et. al.), so I have to wonder how successful their strategy is. The plus (for the scammer) is that if they ever did sell one, they could just walk to the drug store and buy one, no inventory on hand means no risk if no one falls for it.

It's frustrating that there's people out there trying to take advantage of us, but interesting nonetheless.
UPC codes started showing up in mid 70's, so if you consider 35 years old vintage... and to be fair, my current Williams box is slightly different.

I'd be very interested to try an older cake of Williams, as a 1960's vintage Williams Shaving Stick recently shocked me by being a tallow rich, rose scented lathering champ. I'd really like to see if the stuff they were using before the 70's is markedly different than today's mug soap.

I'm pretty sure the older stuff was "better" based on the great qualities of that old shave stick and the idea that Williams was an industry leader for so long, when there was plenty of competition.

Yes, the Ebay item is overpriced, (and aren't live auction links verbotten?) but if it was older, I might think about it. :ohmy:
I have a vintage Williams puck of uncertain age. Got it with a lot of razors when I was not really even interested in the soap. But I tried it once and WOW! It lathered like a demon!! Then I checked the ingredients and it listed tallow first. It was a lot like old Old Spice and nothing like the modern formulation of Williams.

Only you can decide if it is worth it, but pucks of old Old Spice never go for less than $20 per puck and usually for more than that. So this might well be worth the cost, but make sure it is a tallow first puck!
thats the same box, my Williams came in...minus the dust, and all.....
People down talk this shaving soap so much, heck I get good results with it.
The lather is at least as good as any of the VDH soap I have tried.....
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