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Williams and VDH

Locally I can get a puck of Williams for $1.05 and VDH Select for $1.75. I've tried VDH and like it but being a glycerin soap it doesn't last long. With that in mind I was playing around with the idea of combining the two. It might make a nice shave soap that lathers well, cheap and would last long. My question is has anyone done so and if yes how did it turn out? I'm thinking of a recipe of one to one puck. What do you folks think?

I have not tried this, but just one caveat: Williams, not being a glycerin soap, will not melt like the VDH will, You'll have to mill the Williams, then perhaps pour the melted VDH over the shavings and wait until it cools.

Personally, that sounds like 1+1 equaling LESS than 2, but who knows? Good luck; at least you won't be out much moolah if it doesn't work!!
I have not tried this, but just one caveat: Williams, not being a glycerin soap, will not melt like the VDH will, You'll have to mill the Williams, then perhaps pour the melted VDH over the shavings and wait until it cools.

Personally, that sounds like 1+1 equaling LESS than 2, but who knows? Good luck; at least you won't be out much moolah if it doesn't work!!

Thanks, that is what I was thinking. I would mill the Williams puck and pour the VDH over it.
I've done it. I use it every day. What I did was just cut Williams into small chunks and melted VDH over it and stirred it around. Works well for.

Most recently I put of tube Bigalow in the mix after remelting. Filled my OS mug to the top. No idea whether I ruined everything or not yet.

How was the Williams and VDH mixture? Did it turn out to be a better soap and does it last?
A few weeks ago, I was looking through my stuff and saw 2 almost-done items: a sliver of Williams, and the 3/4 inch or so of a stick of Arko.

Grated both of them up, melted some VdH, and poured it over everything. Works like a charm, and nothing wasted.
The store only carries the VDH Select. Just wondering if the Glycerin or Deluxe may be better.

Also thinking of adding Masters Bay Rum or LV to the mixture for a nice scent.
Van der Williams is a sure bet. I took both pucks to a cheese grater and mix the result in a bowl. Finished it off by pressing it into a small Tupperware bowl.
Well dorko me just realized I can't do this creation for another two months.

That's when I get my two new shave mugs from Dirty Bird Pottery.

Until then thanks everyone for the input.
My VDH lathers just great
But the puck don't last to long
I can't lather Williams to save my life
But I get it for a song

Perhaps if I were to combine
The two famous drug store faves
Maybe I'd have the best of both
And think of the dough I'd save

And while I mix and melt and grate
I'll add some nice cologne
A super smelling super-soap
With a scent that' all it's own

But all this toilsome alchemy-
The labor's a big drawback
For an easy lathering unique scent
I should just buy me some Tabac!
My VDH lathers just great
But the puck don't last to long
I can't lather Williams to save my life
But I get it for a song

Perhaps if I were to combine
The two famous drug store faves
Maybe I'd have the best of both
And think of the dough I'd save

And while I mix and melt and grate
I'll add some nice cologne
A super smelling super-soap
With a scent that' all it's own

But all this toilsome alchemy-
The labor's a big drawback
For an easy lathering unique scent
I should just buy me some Tabac!

Thank you for the kind words.

BTW, I think my combo of Williams and VDH interest me because of price, availability and possible results.
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