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Williams and ARKO?

Just out of curiousity, are these two soaps similar in any way?

From descriptions of the ARKO shaving stick scent that I've read, it sounds just like the scent of Williams. Can anyone who's tried both chime in?

I'd really be interested if its a slightly softer, better-moisturizing Williams!:thumbup1:

Williams has a citronella smell, while Arko is more of a straight up detergent smell. They're different, but if you like one you'll probably like the other.
Arko has a very different scent from Williams, but lots of people say they both smell bad.

Williams smells like chemically lemon, and arko smells like some funky barbershop from the 60's that sold meat pies out the back.

Arko isn't that bad, and it's definitely worth the $1-2 you can spend on a stick. It's great for traveling and lathers in about 3 seconds. No joke. The soap goes on your face, then your hot- or cold-water soaked brush goes on your face, then you lather. No need for a bowl, just re-apply soap for xtg and you'll have lather for atg.

The smell of arko faded from my stick over time, but it really got to me at first. It also left my skin MUCH more moisturized than Williams.

Give it a shot.
There is a resemblance of sorts; both have a soapy scent with citrus. They are not identical btw and the strenght of the Williams scent is probably the same as the one from Arko, after you left it for a century or two.
I don't remember what Williams smells like. It was the only soap I tried that I could not get a decent lather from. Arko, on the other hand, gives me some of the best lather of all the soaps I have tried.
I found williams to be a nice, mild citronella smell.. but that was pre-arko, now I can't smell anything, arko overwhelmed my sense of smell :biggrin1:
I think I'm going to start a thread on Williams and hunting, or Williams and tobacco, or Williams and politics.

Or maybe, Williams and Lilac Vegetal!

If I poured some Clubman AS into my mug with Williams, what would a mosquito do?

Disclaimer: I have never used Arko.
I have not used Williams, but I like Arko. I think the scent is kind of a benign soapy scent. I have used 2 sticks and both were just kind of plain. The soap works great though. It makes great lather quickly.
Williams smells like citronella candles, and arko has a lemon laundry detergent smell. Arko out performs williams by a mile, but williams isnt all that bad.
Williams smells like a Tiki Torch + embalming fluids...
Arko- Citronella + Lemon Pez + industrial strength lemon cleaning solvent.
I like the smell of Arko, oddly enough.
ARKO rocks! I honestly think it is right up there with Tabac and Valroba stick, and actually performs better than Cella for me (others may get different mileage on that one, tho).

Williams didn't do it for me. It lathered up OK, but it felt dry and not very protective. Nowhere near as slick and cushioning as ARKO.

I will continue to stock up on ARKO, but have most likely purchased my first and last puck of Williams. That says it all for me regarding performance.

Having said that, I prefer the scent of Williams over ARKO. They are vaguely similar, but ARKO is very bright, sharp, and potent smelling, and I agree with those who liken the scent to a bathroom urinal puck. Thankfully, the scent dissipates with open exposure and the scent is nowhere as objectionable once it's on your brush and face. It's actually quite a nice pick-me-up scent in the morning.

A funny anecdote: I keep ARKO in the top of an old-timey scuttle, so it fills the bathroom with its scent. After performing a particular potent number two, the scent in the air mixed with scent of ARKO brought me right back to crowded, institutional bathroom that you'd want hold your breath in. It really did smell like urinal pucks at that moment. I couldn't help but laugh out loud to myself when the mix hit my nose.

Still, I love ARKO for its performance and would recommend that everyone try it knowing that the scent may not be right for them.

Interestingly, I pick up an occasional note of PEZ candy from ARKO, as well. Great stuff! One of my favorites.
I agree that the Arko scent is somewhat overpowering when it is initially unwrapped. It sat in my travel bag for a couple of months and when I next used it, it had mellowed quite a bit. I actually find the scent pleasant at this point. As to performance, it is up there with the best soaps I own. I love MWF and the AoS soaps but don't notice a performance drop off when I use Arko. I prefer it to most of the non-tallow soaps that I have.
Arko is a great soap.

Williams is a servicable soap.

Arko has a bathroom filling odor of lemony laundry soap that fades over time.

Williams has a subdued citronella scent.

Arko is easy to lather.

Williams takes effort, but I can make it work just fine.

My advice? Get both.
....but ARKO .... a bathroom urinal puck.
THAT'S the mystery component of the scent! I hadn't cifured that out until just now.

Williams smells like citronella candles, and arko has a lemon laundry detergent smell. Arko out performs williams by a mile, but williams isnt all that bad.
+1 on that.

Wow. Now that's a vivid description!:lol:

Would you say its more of a laundry soap with beef tallow funk scent, then?
Hahaha, yeah. Something like that. Sort of a stale, fatty, smell. Like a place that's been in business a very LONG time.
When I traveled to the the East coast, I saw a shop with a sign that said "We now sell meat pie in back. $5" It stuck in my mind and was a bit of a running joke while I was there. How can you sell the same meat pie over and over... :laugh:

The good news is that after being open... 9 months or so the Arko has lost almost all its scent. It used to stick in my nose for hours if I used it daily. The scent was a major reason I moved on from it. It does lather like the dickens, so I keep it for travel lathering - but it's frustrating when I run out of lather on my last pass and was only the 2nd soap I tried.

+1 for topGumby's post too.
I saw some Williams soap at my local CVS and thought about trying it since it was only like a buck fitty... but this comment has got me back on track. lol.

You, sir, are welcome :thumbup:

The Arko bugs my skin a bit, I'm probably gonna PIF it to someone whenever I start selling off my excess stuff.
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