"Necessity is the mother of invention." Whoever said it, was probably tired of lukewarm lather. If this is what you have on hand to bring hot lather into your life, sir, it is your duty to use it. Happy shaves.
Thats exactly what I do (except I use two mixing bowls!). You might find you need hotter water than usual in the outer bowl as the heat escapes quickly, using water that is just before boiling works well. The lather starts to thin out from the heat but the warm runny goo it makes quickly comes back to life with face lathering and is a real pleasure given how warm the lather is! You can experiment with different material (metal pots ceramic etc) Stoneware (I think) mixing bowls seemed to hold the heat best.
Totally one of a kind shaving scuttle...maybe you should sell it on e-bay as "rare"?
OMG my shaving bowl sits perfectly inside the 4" cup! I tested it. poured some boiling water into the cup halfway and started some lather in my bowl. I sat the bowl on the cup and booyah! warm lather! I can't wait for my next shave!