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Will these blades work with a Merkur 23C?

I have a bunch of these blades from an old job and I'm going to order my first safety razor, the Merkur 23C, and I was wondering if these blades are compatible with that particular razor. They're sealed on one side so would that make a difference? Thanks. :blush:
No sir, that's an SE (single edge) blade and your Merkur is a DE (double edge) razor. There are plenty of SE razors (GEM, Ever Ready, Star, etc.) that many of our number enjoy, but I would advise against shaving with blades not designed for shaving. If you want to try an SE, blades are readily available at Walgreens.
Dang, that's too bad. I was hoping to save a few bucks by using these. Oh well, I'll just buy some DE blades with my order then! Thanks a lot. :laugh:
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