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Will the third time be a charm?

I want to try smoking a pipe again. The first time was a cheap cob out of a basket in a cigar shop with what I think was Captain Black Cherry. Second time, a member here PIF'ed me a pipe he had that he wasn't using anymore, don't remember the tobacco, but I thought the pipe tasted sour, but it could have been me.
So this time, what should I do? Do I go buy a Dr. Garbarow (sp) from rite aid, and tobacoo they sell to get started? Are those pipes decent to start with before dropping real money on a pipe? What are some of the better types of tobaccos for new guys like me?
I smoked cigarettes for like 13 years, and am trying my best right now to not start them back up, that is why I want to try a pipe again.
So, I know some of the great enablers are in the Brown leaf, so, help enable me. What should I start with?


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
The Dr Grabow should be fine. Carter Hall or Capt. Black in the white pouch would be a good starter.
There are also these options for quality and entry level priced pipes:


On tobacco, for drugstore blends, I'm really liking the Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic, and Carter Hall. I personally find the drugstore fruit type blends to taste much like cough syrup, so I avoid those.
The Dr Grabow should be fine. Carter Hall or Capt. Black in the white pouch would be a good starter.

Prince Albert, and Half and Half are great choices too. :tongue_sm

Dr Grabow's are fine starter pipes, but so are corn cobs as long as they are made by Missouri Meerschaum. The Chinese made corn cob pipes are utter, and total garbage.

My collection of corn cob pipes greatly outnumbers my briar pipes. :w00t:
I'll second the recommendation on the MM corn cob pipes. Can't be beat for the value. Just look for the yellow and red stamp under the bowl. If it says "China" just pass it by...

I'd suggest maybe some Carter Hall tobacco, stay away from aromatics if you're just trying to get into it. They burn hot as heck and leave you with a scorched tongue and bad attitude. Aromatics for some reason are recommended for "beginners" because it smells nice...but if you don't really sip on them really slowly and at the point where it almost seems the pipe is going out they'll bite you like a junkyard dog.
I started a few weeks ago. I was going to get a Dr Grabow, but made the mistake of going to a pipe store (just to look) and walked out with an expensive Peterson. I like the pipe, and it's P/Lip, so no regrets. Today in the mail I got my second pipe, a $6 MM Washington corn cob from Aristocob. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but I'm looking forward to it. As for tobacco, I didn't care for the bite on the aromatics, but the pipe store has a dark and light cavendish blend which I'm enjoying.
Plenty of great advice above, Dave! Get what you can at your Rite-Aid and go from there. I especially agree with the advice to stay away from the sickly-sweet cherry aromatics.
Plenty of great advice above, Dave! Get what you can at your Rite-Aid and go from there. I especially agree with the advice to stay away from the sickly-sweet cherry aromatics.

Ed, did you Jedi mind enable Dave when you told him you wouldn't enable him in the "Just saying" thread? You sir are a professional. Enabling by not enabling.
Plenty of great advice above, Dave! Get what you can at your Rite-Aid and go from there. I especially agree with the advice to stay away from the sickly-sweet cherry aromatics.

Agreed on the heavy aromatics. That was one of the nice things I liked about the Walter Raleigh aromatic. It's really lightly cased and burns no hotter than Carter Hall, just has the nice sweet notes to it. Having been a cig smoker for a long time, I liked the fact the burley comes out pretty cleanly as well in it.
I can neither confirm nor deny this statement...*waves hand* this isn't the post you are looking for....:biggrin:

Ed, did you Jedi mind enable Dave when you told him you wouldn't enable him in the "Just saying" thread? You sir are a professional. Enabling by not enabling.


Fridays are Fishtastic!

I'm tempted to pick up the pipe again, just to check out the Frog. It sure gets a LOT of love here.
I think it is an excellent way to begin. The Latakia is not overboard- a good introduction to the leaf. And On the Bayou actually does Perique in a way I like- I may grow to accept Perique in my life because of it.
Tried my MM Washington corn cob today for the first time and liked it so much I smoked a second bowl. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it as a first pipe.
Thanks James. I am going to go looking tomorrow. Which FM is better to start with? Is it better to start with a pipe a little better than a Dr. Garbarow? On the cob, I think I bought a crappy no name one. If I find a real MM, should I go for that first?
There is a nice cigar shop near me that has some pipe stuff, but not too much unless they have increased it since I was there last.

What are some other good starter tobaccos in case they do not have the FM? And what about the loose tobaccos they have in the glass jars? I bought a chocolate one last summer (when I had that second pipe) but didn't get to try it. It may have gotten thrown out.
Thanks James. I am going to go looking tomorrow. Which FM is better to start with? Is it better to start with a pipe a little better than a Dr. Garbarow? On the cob, I think I bought a crappy no name one. If I find a real MM, should I go for that first?
There is a nice cigar shop near me that has some pipe stuff, but not too much unless they have increased it since I was there last.

What are some other good starter tobaccos in case they do not have the FM? And what about the loose tobaccos they have in the glass jars? I bought a chocolate one last summer (when I had that second pipe) but didn't get to try it. It may have gotten thrown out.

Dave, as long as you don't get a crappy chinese knock-off pipe, you should be ok. Any of the classics will be ok. Sir Walter Raleigh, Carter Hall, Half and Half, Captain Black...if they don't have FM. Basically, don't get anything that is in a cheap plastic bag that looks like it should hold beef jerky and you should be alright.

As for house blends, ask if you can give them a sniff. Anything that smells overly sickly sweet should be avoided. They should be knowledgeable about their own stuff, so don't be afraid to ask what they recommend for a beginner.
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