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Will need a place to buy blades in Las Vegas

So, I am taking a trip to Vegas mid October and am wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for a place to buy blades. I will be taking my super speed, but since I am not going to check any bags, I cant carry blades with me. Anywho, if someone knows where I could buy blades, please let me know.
I'm pretty sure all you'll find at AOS is overpriced Merkur blades. There are several national chain pharmacies (Walgreen's, CVS, etc), even on the strip, that will carry own-branded ASR/Personna blades at a steap premium, but I would take those over Merkurs any day.

That said, I've traveled bi-monthly for going on 3 years with a loaded DE and 2-3 additional blades in an travel case in my carry-on bag without being questioned or needing to toss the blades. Worst case you have to toss a few blades and buy more when you arrive in LV, but chances are you will sail right through without a second glance.
If they have Silver Blues, I'd go that route. Merkur blades aren't horrible, I just couldn't bring myself to pay the AOS price for what I consider an already overpriced mediocre blade even at internet prices. The ASR blades at the chain pharmacies are equally overpriced, but I think they are sharper if slightly less smooth than the Merkurs.
I go to Vegas a few times a year, and l used to but them at the CVS next to City Center on the strip. The last few trips I have mailed myself a blade a week before I arrive to at the hotel and it has worked like a charm. No wasted blades that way and I don't have to worry about choice of brands (or lack thereof).
Most national chain drug stores still have at least one brand on a peg. Walgreens has a house brand made in S. Korea. CVS has a house brand made in the USA. many grocery stores also still carry "something" in DE.

These might be hard to spot on the shelf down at the bottom covered up with something else. But they're likely there.
That said, I've traveled bi-monthly for going on 3 years with a loaded DE and 2-3 additional blades in an travel case in my carry-on bag without being questioned or needing to toss the blades. Worst case you have to toss a few blades and buy more when you arrive in LV, but chances are you will sail right through without a second glance.

My mileage varies. I got stopped at the Tulsa airport last spring with a DE and blades in my carry on. They made me check the carry on; not a big problem as I got to airport early.
Tulsa is also the only place in 2 years that has called me out for not removing my ziploc bag of toiletries from my carry-on... I guess they have time to be more attentive :)
Assuming your staying in one of the glitzy hotels, check with the hotel's room service. They may already have some. Worth a try. :001_smile
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