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Will I regret what I just did? A British Gillette?

I happened to log onto eBay. Do my usual search. And what do I see? A British Barber Pole razor. Hmm. Looks like a #66. A couple scratches on the neck. Decent case. But otherwise quite good. $70 BIN. Wait a minute. I have exactly $70 left to spend on razors. I don't know much about these, but I think they usually sell for more. I decided to go for it. What do you think? Did I do okay? I kind of figured that if I totally dislike the razor I should at least be able to get back what I put into it. Yes?

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That is a very beautiful razor, IMO well worth the money. At this point in my life I dont have the income to justify buying one like that.
I know it's hard to say, but wouldn't this have gone for $150+ if he had done it as an auction and not offered the BIN option?
Good choice, Brian. I logged into ebay once today just to see what was newly listed. This was only one of three razors I looked at and thought I would like to have. But I'm not buying anything at the moment. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. And yes I thought it could have sold higher.

I think it could have sold for more if there were no flaws on it. But none of those flaws will affect your super shaves with that classic razor. Good work and enjoy it!
I happened to log onto eBay. Do my usual search. And what do I see? A British Barber Pole razor. Hmm. Looks like a #66. A couple scratches on the neck. Decent case. But otherwise quite good. $70 BIN. Wait a minute. I have exactly $70 left to spend on razors. I don't know much about these, but I think they usually sell for more. I decided to go for it. What do you think? Did I do okay? I kind of figured that if I totally dislike the razor I should at least be able to get back what I put into it. Yes?


Enjoy the razor Brian. I negotiated that price with the seller but you beat me to the BIN.

No hard feelings. :thumbup1:
Enjoy the razor Brian. I negotiated that price with the seller but you beat me to the BIN.

No hard feelings. :thumbup1:

Uh-oh. I wondered why it had a BIN for what seemed like a steal. I think I've seen that seller put up other razors and didn't usually use BIN options. Er, thanks Harry? :blushing: (I think I'll run away and hide now)...
No it's OK, really. I PM'd him earlier today with the $70 offer and insisted that we do the deal through eBay and PayPal. I was out to dinner tonight when he accepted the offer and put the BIN price on his listing. I got to $70 by pointing out that the razor is worth $140 uncased in NM condition and it would cost $70 to have it replated in rhodium.

$140 - $70 = my offer.

It will be a good shaver in its present condition assuming it's mechanically sound.

Again, no hard feelings. I snoozed, I lost.
(Slowly walking back with tail between my legs)...If you say so Harry. I asked if it opened and closed smoothly and the seller said it did. The doors looked aligned. So, I'm not really anticipating mechanical issues, but I guess you never can be sure. We'll see in a few days. If I ever decide to part with it, I'll let you know, Harry.
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