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Wife's Christmas Setup - Feed back wanted (especially from the ladies)

Hey everyone. My wife has tolerated my shaving addiction for a year now. She hasn't used any of my stuff...yet. Well, about a week ago she told me she was tired of the cost of disposables. She told me I could look into getting her something. So, that means full speed ahead. :thumbup:

First - Her requirements (well, more like things I have drawn out of her over the last few weeks with leading questions):
Don't spend a lot - well, we all know that's out the window
Razor - Doesn't want a heavy one or one with a short handle. I had her feel the Weber and she said it was too heavy.
Brush - Doesn't like boar, wants a soft one.
Lather - Doesn't want to spend time making it. Will not use a bowl or anything.
Scents - Doesn't like flower or powder, likes citrus and coconut/foody scents.

So, here's the setup I'm getting for her:

Razor: Lady Gillette from the 60's. Should be nice and light, yet have a long handle.
Blades: I have dozens of kinds for her to try. Will start her out with Voskhods, Crystals, Red Personnas, and Astra SPs.
Brush: Omega 0146745 HI-BRUSH Synthetic Shaving Brush. Big knot with tall overall length. Also I picked a synthetic knot as it is soft, yet will dry fast while staying in the shower.
Soap/Cream: KMF Lime pump bottle and TOBS Coconut Cream - Both will lather up fast on her legs and would even be good blended together.
Post Shave: Geo F Trumper Extract of West Indian Limes Skin Food - She complains that shaving in the past (uses liquid soap) drys her legs out. Wanted to get her something to help moisturize after the shave. Not used Skin Food in the past, but heard great things about it.

So... what do you think. Good start? I think the best part is that if after 6 months she doesn't like it, I will use everything eventually except for the Lady Gillette and that can be re-sold if needed.
Although we salivate that the thought of a new brush, I know for sure that my wife would be content (and does) just rub bar soap on her legs to shave with. As the skin on the legs tends to be a bit tougher than facial skin, they can tolerate a bit more. Also, most women are typically good with one ATG stroke with touchups as needed. That said, the KMF doesn't have to be brushed on... so you may have yourself a new synthetic brush if you plan things accordingly.

Also, the Krona would serve as a good leg razor. Long, lightweight, and a good shape and grip for holding in the shower or tub.

Your poor, poor wife. She has no idea what she's getting into does she?
Sounds good to me. You might consider a brushless cream like "Cremo." It is inexpensive, easy to find (Walmart), easy and quick to apply, pleasant and mild scent, and it works great. Just my 2 cents.
My wife has a Lady Gillette and loves it. It was given to me by my Aunt and she got it new in the late sixties. It is an excellent razor...kind of wish I had one of my own.
Sounds like a good setup! Fwiw, I found that when I switched to wetshaving the dry skin on my legs disappeared. She may not even need a post-shave product.
Thanks so much for the feedback everyone. I was a bit unsure about the skin food, but figured if she doesn't like it, then I will try it. If I don't like it, then I can PIF it.
Sounds good to me. You might consider a brushless cream like "Cremo." It is inexpensive, easy to find (Walmart), easy and quick to apply, pleasant and mild scent, and it works great. Just my 2 cents.
+1 on the Cremo, the Lady's version even has a coconut scent !
As for a brush :
I'd go for Rooney Silvertip, what ever style & size she might like.
This is definitley one of the softes brushes around. Positively no scritch at all.
I would suggest considering a schick injector for her, whether a J model or one of the Lady Eversharp models. Regarding the cream or soap I would advocate Palmolive lemon. Keeping things as foolproof as possible for right now may be wise.
Thanks so much for the feedback everyone. I was a bit unsure about the skin food, but figured if she doesn't like it, then I will try it. If I don't like it, then I can PIF it.
You will like it. I use it every day and do not tire of it.
My only suggestion would be a Muhle silvertip fiber version 2.0 for a synthetic brush (direct from Europe is cheaper, even with shipping - Connaught and shaving.ie are 2 sites). I found my Muhle to be a marked improvement over my Omega synthetic badger. I believe the HI-BRUSH is Omega's 4th generation fiber brush, but I don't know enough about it to recommend it. I have heard many people talk about the Muhle's quality, and I agree completely - velvety soft, dries quickly like any synthetic, looks great, and lathers well.
So, I got her the setup for Christmas and she is already using it. She likes it. I got her TOBS Coconut and Grapefruit as well as the KMF Lime. She likes all 3 of them. I told her I would add any of them to my den if she didn't like them and she said I can't have any. She has had 3 shaves with it and no cuts, nicks, or weepers. She says it shaves smoother than any razor she has ever used.
Sounds like she's well on her way to being one of us. Next thing you know, we'll see another member from the lowjax household with L.O.L.S in the sig line. :biggrin1:
Don't think she will join the forum as she only uses Facebook and Pinterest online. But, I may get her to join. I stay logged in so she can always browse the forums when she wants.
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