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Wife Shaved With a DE

Yes, the wife shaved with a DE last night. I loaned her my black handle super adjustable. Result: One tiny nick, still close this morning and no irritation. She used gel and very little of it. I told her to go slow, light contact, and let the weight of the razor do the cutting. Start with the handle at 90 degrees and tilt it forward until it starts to shave. She went at it like chopping wood and fighting fire. I was prepared to call 911. I had forgotten how scary it is to watch a woman shave.

I may have found a way to get rid of my Derby's . . .

HAGS, (Have A Great Shave)
Yeah, women just don't take any time when they shave their legs. They just rush through it as fast as they can. No wonder why they hate shaving. :thumbdown
Last night I shaved my wife's legs with my DE. Even used the brush and T&H cream, which she loved. She is so used to shaving with dull, way past their usefulness (and expensive) disposable razors, that she was completely blown away. She now realizes why I now love to shave.

Just ordered her Valentine's day gift -- her own razor, brush, soap and cream. Got her soap and cream not only for superlather but the fact that legs blow through some lather! She used twice as much as I do for 4 passes on my face for only 1 pass on her legs.

I think I got her hooked, at least if I do it. She is a little impatient so I doubt she will use it everytime. But she liked the fact that I went pretty fast, got all the hair, and no cuts or nicks where she usually gets on herself. She was a little nervous but liked the results.
I could never do that to my wife.

In all fairness, they do have a lot more surface area to shave. While it is our face I'm not sure I'd rather shave my legs.

Plus, it's completely unacceptable to let them grow out. Face stubble or a beard on a man is one thing, Sasquatch legs on a lady...

Fair or not, I'm glad it's the standard. (speaking as a man/husband/lover/etc)
I shave SWMBO every night she loves the feel of the closness and has officially stolen my slim as her own. She has a custom brush which I restored for her I posted the restore here as it progressed :001_smile and currently uses T&H west indian lime. :thumbup1:
My wife is in too! She shaves with a Lady Gillette I got from her. She loves it.

Her process:
Applies (it's not a lather) the Trader Joe's Cream in the shower
Shaves in the shower

She raves about the smoothness....and so do I :thumbup1:
Maybe I'll get her a razor Tech maybe and give her the rest of my Wally World Personna blades. Thinking about safety with those choices obviously! :laugh:
My GF uses a Feather Popular DE with either Israeli Personnas or Gillette 7 O'clock Yellows. She loves it.

Somebody has to say it... This thread is useless without pics! :lol: Just kidding

I'm trying to get my gf into DE shaving as well. She's all about speed though so the convenience factor might win over for her. :glare: All the same, she said I could give her a DE shave next weekend to see if she liked it.
Last night I shaved my wife's legs with my DE. Even used the brush and T&H cream, which she loved. She is so used to shaving with dull, way past their usefulness (and expensive) disposable razors, that she was completely blown away. She now realizes why I now love to shave.

I'm shaving SWMBO's legs this weekend....left it this long so that I've got my lather just right! Hopefully, she'll appreciate the warm lather and understand why I've (almost) got more stuff in the bathroom than she has :lol:
The other night she made me empty a dispenser of WallyWorld Personna blades and fill it up with Sharks.

She's using a Blue Lady Gillette.
I've been shaving the wife's legs a few times with my brush and soap, but still using the disposable razor she uses. Maybe I'll have to try a DE shave on her soon...
I suggested it last night. We'll see what happens during the snowstorm this weekend.

Like everyone else in this thread, I'll add a :lol: .
My wife likes the 23c I no longer use, with crystal or shark blades. Her only complaint is that she "can't tell if she's shaving anything".
My wife likes the 23c I no longer use, with crystal or shark blades. Her only complaint is that she "can't tell if she's shaving anything".

She can't feel the smoothness? :biggrin:

My wife hasn't used a DE, but does like the brush and lavender cream I got her.
My ex, or SWNLMBO :) had a very good hairdresser education, she also learned shaving and how to use a str8 razor. She did all her own shaving with a shavette.
What I remember most about her, was how supersmooth she always was all over, almost like if she didn't have any hairgrowth at all :)
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