1. Existing brush: Tweezerman badger. Overall I like it, but I have nothing to compare it too. It doesn't seem to make that wonderful lather that others talk about. I also have an old cheap boar brush that I don't use.
2. I use soaps and creams, trending towards soap recently (Tabactoberfest) but also creams as well. So far I've only done lathering in a bowl.
3. I want my next brush to make wonderful thick lather

4. Brush aesthetics... I like ergonomics, so easy to grip by the base of the knot. A bit of heft is a good thing. Looking classy is a good thing. Color isn't terribly important.
5. Budget... I'd say in the $50-70 range. I'd go over a bit if it got me a much better brush, and go less if the brush was just as good and it saved me money so I could buy more soaps and creams.
6. Size... I was thinking maybe a bit larger than the Tweezerman - 22-23mm?
7. I've been looking at the Shavemac "Finest Badger" 23mm, but there seems to be good word about the Rooney "Special."
8. This will not be my last brush