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Why SHOULDN'T I just use a regular soap?

I have used Yardley English Lavender hand soap as shave soap.
It can be done, but the lather seems to break down really fast.
It just sort of disappears.

I'll wager dollars to donuts that is the difference.
Go ahead and try it. You certainly can research the answer to your question on this site and Google. Shaving soaps are specifically designed to create a slickness and consistency that protects the face and provides glide for the razor. Bar soaps are designed to get you clean. You could probably shave with any old soap, but your face may come out on the loosing side.

The worst that could happen is you're sensitive to the soap, and that, combined with the mild abrasion from the blade, causes an infection that rots off your face.

Seriously though; I'm no soap expert, but I'd say give it a shot. I think shaving soaps are made to be suds-ier (to create creamy lather) and probably have some added goodies to help with glide/cushion. Some folks shave with Ivory soap in a pinch, so it's got to be a least somewhat feasible. Just make sure you have an alternative on hand when you try - if you start shaving and it doesn't seem like it's doing its job, you'll have to run to the market half-shaved.
Bath soap is drying. When it stays in contact with the skin long enough to shave and when you consider the scraping action of the shave, it makes even a moisturizing bath soap very drying.
Bath soaps are made to clean, that is to strip oils.
Also, lots of bath soaps are slick enough to shave with but they lack the cushioning of a shave soap.
Oh and one thing to remember, It is way too risky with a straight.
I've tried that and it's not worth the trouble.
Its your face I guess you can do what you like.

For my face since I only have the one, I use the best I can get.
I'm a traveling sales manager and recently forgot my Mama Bear shave stick. I just took some hotel soap and a hotel glass and whipped it into a lather. Seemed like it worked just fine. I really couldn't tell all that much difference.

Got me to wondering if it would work all the time. I use free hotel soap in the shower at home. My shaves may have just gotten a little bit cheaper.:001_cool:
Shaving soap is basically hand soap accept it has some extras to make the lather more stable and has a higher water content. More than likely the lather won't be stable or thick enough. There might be one or two soaps out there that that could manage a shaving soap but for the most part the lather just won't be up to it. You could try putting some glycerin with the lather, that might to the trick.
I remember a few people posting that they shaved successfully with ivory soap and I think dove soap or oil of Olay maybe?
When I decide that I really don't like a shave soap, I use it as a body soap. Lathers great, smells good - but it doesn't last very long at all. And that is another difference , shave soap melts away quickly.
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