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Why must I wait?!

Well I have a birthday coming up on 12/04 and I asked for some shaving items. Well an order came in today and I opened the box immediately and in it was a galore of Penhaligon's goodies. Opus shaving cream, Opus ASB, Opus 100 mL EdT, English Fern AS, and a puck of English Fern SS. I was so excited staring at it all, when suddenly my wife walks in and starts putting everything back in the box and says I have to WAIT till my birthday. So I have no choice, but to accept that she is not going to give in by giving me even 1 thing to have now. I just needed to share my non-existent patience in hopes that there are others out there who can relate. I guess I have time to plan what I will start with first.
sounds like some nice stuff!!

to be honest, Im the same! my birthday is on dec 7th, and my wife is getting me this gift set from Truefitt and Hill in the 1805 fragrance - she loves it as much as me - but i just want to be able to use it now!!! Guess we are pretty lucky to have wives who are happy to treat us to this lovely stuff!!
I can hardly stomach waiting for things I order to get to my house let alone use something already there my SWMBO has a standing rule for me that if it is in the house with my knowledge it is fair game
My birthday is December 20th and I will be 40 this year.

I have ordered myself a Mergress (I am hoping that it may be finished soon or even winging its way over the Atlantic at the moment) and I have asked my wife to buy me a custom Shavemac.

I know that these things will arrive before my birthday, but I will have to be good and avoid opening/using them before.

Anyway, December 4th is not that far away for you OP.
Well I have a birthday coming up on 12/04 and I asked for some shaving items. Well an order came in today and I opened the box immediately and in it was a galore of Penhaligon's goodies. Opus shaving cream, Opus ASB, Opus 100 mL EdT, English Fern AS, and a puck of English Fern SS. I was so excited staring at it all, when suddenly my wife walks in and starts putting everything back in the box and says I have to WAIT till my birthday. So I have no choice, but to accept that she is not going to give in by giving me even 1 thing to have now. I just needed to share my non-existent patience in hopes that there are others out there who can relate. I guess I have time to plan what I will start with first.

It is probably best to order your wife's Christmas gift and have it delivered to home immediately :biggrin1:
It is probably best to order your wife's Christmas gift and have it delivered to home immediately :biggrin1:

This is pure evil! I love it. Make sure to leave it out on her spot at the table or something with a not that states not to be opened till December 24th :lol:
It is probably best to order your wife's Christmas gift and have it delivered to home immediately :biggrin1:

This is pure evil! I love it. Make sure to leave it out on her spot at the table or something with a not that states not to be opened till December 24th :lol:

That is sooo evil :sneaky2: but I love it :w00t: good luck :thumbup1:

Now I wonder who will be sleeping on the couch first :lol: :lol: :lol:
As hard as it is to wait, and I sympathize with you both, look at the bigger picture: your wives are so awesome to each of you to take the trouble to get you the good stuff. The one I'd had for >26 years would have never taken that kind of trouble or have gone out of her way like yours.

Buck up, boys! They WMBO are real gems! :thumbup1:
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