Okay... So I have asked myself this question many times after starting DE shaving. Why do things change, and often times for the worse? I mean, look at the DE razor for example! You have a beautiful piece of engineering that withstood for about seven decades before being nearly exterminated by the disposable and cartridge worlds. My dad grew up in the fifties and sixties when DEs were still popular, and he said they were something that every man came to. Of course my grandfather was around when DEs were still in their infancy. They worked! They worked well too.
Then the electric came out. My grandfather was one of the first to make the switch because he needed a fast dependable shave. He found out the hard way that they weren't for him. So he went back to DEs. They just work!
I mean this doesn't just apply to DEs. This also applies to things like acne treatments. The other day (a while ago) I was just plain fed up with spending twenty dollars on something that was supposed to work miracles on my skin. At twenty dollars per month, I was just plain fed up! So I started to look around.
One thing led to another, and I ended up with a DE razor because I was willing to go for broke on this. I mean my acne was not bad, it was probably closer to mild, but still a bugger to deal with. So I spent all of maybe $20 putting together a shaving kit. (I did this kind of in secret because I was worried what my parents would say.) It was made mostly of stuff I can pick up at my mom and pop pharmacy. The razor of course had to be purchased online on ebay.
There was a learning curve for sure. Over time the acne on my cheeks began disappearing. At this time I was still using my acne treatment system to treat my forehead. There had been great improvement. Then, about two weeks ago, I was looking at my DE razor when I began to think. My thought processes brought me to the conclusion that there had to be something better out there than this stuff I was using. Afterall, my grandfather didn't have this stuff! So I turned to the web. Took me a while but I came across the Neutrogena facial cleansing bar for acne prone skin. I did some research into the ingredients. The one ingredient I was unsure of was Lanolin (Wool fat). When I looked it up, it was listed as comedogenic. I almost wrote it off, then my little DE diety sat on my shoulder and told me, "You know, remember that disposable razor you were using, and the electric you were using? You learned quite a lesson from me didn't you?" So, I got off the computer and went to Walgreens and picked up a bar. (Just so you all know I did call my more local pharmacy to see if they had it before going to Walgreens.)
Well, I have been using the bar as my forehead wash, my preshave wash, and my post shave wash (something I could not do with my previous wash which contained Salicyclic acid), and have been having great results. Yeah, my forehead isn't completely clear, but it is much better.
Thinking about this caused me to write this post. I mean, when something is so good, why change it? I know I know.... Money money money.... Some things you just wish you knew beforehand.
(DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying all advancements are bad, like seatbelts, airbags, lead free paint, etc. So don't go uninstalling the seatbelts or the airbags from your car. And also don't go painting your house with lead paint... even if it does taste good when it gets all crusty like my dad says it does
Then the electric came out. My grandfather was one of the first to make the switch because he needed a fast dependable shave. He found out the hard way that they weren't for him. So he went back to DEs. They just work!
I mean this doesn't just apply to DEs. This also applies to things like acne treatments. The other day (a while ago) I was just plain fed up with spending twenty dollars on something that was supposed to work miracles on my skin. At twenty dollars per month, I was just plain fed up! So I started to look around.
One thing led to another, and I ended up with a DE razor because I was willing to go for broke on this. I mean my acne was not bad, it was probably closer to mild, but still a bugger to deal with. So I spent all of maybe $20 putting together a shaving kit. (I did this kind of in secret because I was worried what my parents would say.) It was made mostly of stuff I can pick up at my mom and pop pharmacy. The razor of course had to be purchased online on ebay.
There was a learning curve for sure. Over time the acne on my cheeks began disappearing. At this time I was still using my acne treatment system to treat my forehead. There had been great improvement. Then, about two weeks ago, I was looking at my DE razor when I began to think. My thought processes brought me to the conclusion that there had to be something better out there than this stuff I was using. Afterall, my grandfather didn't have this stuff! So I turned to the web. Took me a while but I came across the Neutrogena facial cleansing bar for acne prone skin. I did some research into the ingredients. The one ingredient I was unsure of was Lanolin (Wool fat). When I looked it up, it was listed as comedogenic. I almost wrote it off, then my little DE diety sat on my shoulder and told me, "You know, remember that disposable razor you were using, and the electric you were using? You learned quite a lesson from me didn't you?" So, I got off the computer and went to Walgreens and picked up a bar. (Just so you all know I did call my more local pharmacy to see if they had it before going to Walgreens.)
Well, I have been using the bar as my forehead wash, my preshave wash, and my post shave wash (something I could not do with my previous wash which contained Salicyclic acid), and have been having great results. Yeah, my forehead isn't completely clear, but it is much better.
Thinking about this caused me to write this post. I mean, when something is so good, why change it? I know I know.... Money money money.... Some things you just wish you knew beforehand.
(DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying all advancements are bad, like seatbelts, airbags, lead free paint, etc. So don't go uninstalling the seatbelts or the airbags from your car. And also don't go painting your house with lead paint... even if it does taste good when it gets all crusty like my dad says it does