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Why can't anyone make a Bay Rum that lasts more than 2 minutes

I love Bay Rum. I love Captains Choice, Ogallaga, all of them....But, how come nobody can make an after shave or cologne that smells bay rummish that can last all day, or half a day like other colognes do?
I have good luck with both the Captain's and Ogallala lasting. Oddly, sometimes after washing my hands if I rub my face with my damp hands it seems to reactivate it.
I love Bay Rum. I love Captains Choice, Ogallaga, all of them....But, how come nobody can make an after shave or cologne that smells bay rummish that can last all day, or half a day like other colognes do?

Both are my favorites, but they don't last long on me either including the double strength cologne. Superior 70 Bay Rum lasts longer but it's a one note scent. Still a great one for the price if you can find it. I don't care for Clubman VIBR. It's too strong and long lasting for me.
Here's my Bay Rum stable:

Captain's Choice
Krampferts's Finest
Ogallala (all varieties except extra strength)
Layrite's No. 9
C.O. Bigelow Balm
Gilbert Henry AS Balm
Gilbert Henry Cologne

Gilbert Henry takes the prize, both the AS and the Cologne. AS by itself is good for four to six hours, with the cologne it's good for the entire waking day.
I picked up a bottle of Bigelow Bay Rum lotion in a trade somewhere, I don't recall from whom. By itself it doesn't have a powerful scent. But if I combine it with Ogallala, Pinaud, Master's, or most any other AS I have, it seems to really enhance the smell and the longevity. Of course, YMMV.
+1 on Gilbert Henry both the balm and cologne.
Co9T also lasts a long time on me,3-4 hours,I did notice it seems to reactivate with water on my hands,gotta try this on the face and dome.
The problem with bay rum lasting is that the actual scent from the Pimenta Racemosa plant is a middle note. For instance, citrus notes are top notes, and as such very fleeting, and last a few seconds to a few minutes. The bay leaf essence (not bay leaf in the store, but bay leaf from Pimenta Racemosa) is a middle note and lasts a few minutes to an hour in some cases, but usually more like 15-30 minutes. Then you have longer lasting notes like clove, cinnamon, and vanilla.

That is why those ingredients are in a lot of bay rums, they are complimentary to the PR scent and the blend of them will draw out the "bay rum" scent longer, as well as "rounding out" the scent.
I've only tried one Bay Rum AS - HoneyBee Gardens. It seems to last 2-4 hours on me, depending on what I'm doing. It mellows out fairly quickly but the resulting scent lasts. I rather like it - I can splash it on in the morning, feel like a BAMF, and not be killing people by the time I've walked into uni.
I have a small bottle of bay oil I bought a few years ago from a online store foe just a few bucks. A drop or 2 into the palm and then the bay rum aftershave of my choice and the scent lasts much longer. A word of caution before you buy yourself some is the oil is like applying molten lava to your skin, the stuff is HOT as HELL and don't get it around your eyes or your balls, but worth every dollar for getting the scent to last longer.
I'm also a big fan of the Gilbert Henry ASB and cologne. The ASB doesn't last that long on me -- maybe a couple of hours, but the cologne, which matches the scent of the ASB quite well, lasts most of the day. I've found that Genuine Ogallala Bay Rum products tend to linger on me, and I'm a big fan of their Lime and Peppercorns scent (but then that doesn't really smell like a trad bay rum).
I hope I never have to ride an elevator with someone who thinks their cologne only last for half a day. Just because you can't smell it on yourself doesn't mean it's not there.
That is the nature of AS versus cologne or EDT. Just the way it is. I wonder if anyone makes a bay rum cologne? Pinaud VIBR is too clovey/spicy for me but it does last for sure. I use it 50/50 with Masters BR and a few drops of glycerine for a Master Bay or PinMaster blend.
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