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Why butterscotch?

Are you talking about vintage handles? They weren't butterscotch at first, but ivory/cream. They were a "modern" alternative to real ivory handles. As they were exposed to UV rays over time they "butterscotched." Its why if you have a vintage butterscotch handle it has a deeper, richer hue than modern ones, almost as if they have a tan. Occasionally you can see vintage butterscotch handles, like a Simpsons, where the old "sterilized" sticker part is lighter.
Yeah, it's a historical thing. I personally don't prefer the look of butterscotch handles, but I appreciate them for their historical significance. When it comes to shaving brush handles, IMO, modern beats vintage in most cases. YMMV.

Are you talking about vintage handles? They weren't butterscotch at first, but ivory/cream. They were a "modern" alternative to real ivory handles. As they were exposed to UV rays over time they "butterscotched." Its why if you have a vintage butterscotch handle it has a deeper, richer hue than modern ones, almost as if they have a tan. Occasionally you can see vintage butterscotch handles, like a Simpsons, where the old "sterilized" sticker part is lighter.
Simple as that!
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