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Who makes the savile brushes?

So savile row is basically a relabeled vulfix brush? Why don't you just get a vulfix brush then or do they not make the same models that the savile row brand has?
That Shaveblog article is old news. Nowadays more likely Shavemac, but those who really know ain't talkin'. More importantly, the manufacturer is following Charles' marching orders.
The numbers indicate the brush handle style and the knot size. For example, the venerable 3824 is a 38 style handle with a 24mm knot size.
The actual manufacturer of Savile Row brushes is debatable and somewhat irrelevant. I say irrelevant because Charles, of QED, has the brushes made to his specifications and he inspects the brushes to ensure they meet his standards/expectations. They ain't Savile Rows until Charles says they're Savile Rows :smile:
I'm not sure who makes them, but my SR 3122 is an outstanding brush! :biggrin: FWIW, I find it very different from the Vulfix badger brush I owned. The SR is soft but without the floppiness of the Vulfix.
I'm not sure who makes them, but my SR 3122 is an outstanding brush! :biggrin: FWIW, I find it very different from the Vulfix badger brush I owned. The SR is soft but without the floppiness of the Vulfix.

+ 1. I own the 3120 and it's a great brush. Hard to believe but it has not lost a single hair in the 3+ months that I've owned it :cool:
The numbers indicate the brush handle style and the knot size. For example, the venerable 3824 is a 38 style handle with a 24mm knot size.

"3" hair quality i.e. Silver Tip
"8" handle style
"24" knot size

It is SOMEWHERE on the WEB SITE from Rhode Island.:001_rolle
The actual manufacturer of Savile Row brushes is debatable and somewhat irrelevant. I say irrelevant because Charles, of QED, has the brushes made to his specifications and he inspects the brushes to ensure they meet his standards/expectations. They ain't Savile Rows until Charles says they're Savile Rows :smile:

What specificitions exactly? That they don't shed 5 hairs every time I shave? Its pretty obvious that Shavemac makes Savile Row. Go to their website and choose custom brushes. You'll find all the handles The Savile Row has and all the sizes. Also, they make brushes for AOS. The handle for AOS is the "Classic" handle from Shavemac and it looks like a Savile Row.

I had a 3122 but sold it a long time ago. It didn't shed but then I got a 3318 and all it does is shed 5 hairs each time I shave.
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