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Who here uses a kysu to brew there loose leaf tea?

I do, its a Fukugata from Rishi Tea. I love this little tea pot. I brew all my oolongs in this pot. Anyone else have a kysu and if you do, post a pic.

Mine can be seen here
I do want to get a 7oz kysu for my more expensive teas, the ones I like sip and savor. The tea I brew mostly is called Earl of Oolong. Its monkey picked oolong mixed with bergmont oil. Its amazing.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I do want to get a 7oz kysu

That one would only be twice as large as the ones I've been using. :lol:

Haven't tried that particular tea, but it's been my experience that any tea that is flavored wasn't the very best to begin with, and was flavored to help the producer move the product. So many teas to try.....
Well I love earl grey tea and I really like Oolong teas so I thought this one would be a winner for me and it is.
I use this at work and at home. it is great.:biggrin:http://www.rishi-tea.com/store/seiyu-shiboridashi.html

Without the screen.:biggrin:I don't even use my cast iron teapot anymore. It seems to give a taste to the tea compared to this one. That is one good thing about ceramic until it absorbs the tea flavor. This one is glazed but it is a crackle finish so it will absorb flavors eventually too. I still love it though.
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