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Whisky Stones yea or nay?

Anybody have any advice on whisky stones? I know there are several types out there made from different materials (different types of stone to metal) and price points.

Anybody have a preference?


I hate adding ice to my whisky, stones are 100 times better. I have sandstone ones i think, they last for a couple glasses and then i get some more. they are ice cubed shaped. Couldn't tell you a price, have had em for years.
So...... when you get closer to the end of the glass, don't the stones just slide forward as you tip the glass up to take your last sip and smash straight into your teeth?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Nay. I got some for Christmas a couple of years back. They didn't do much for me.

If you really wanted your whiskey cold, but not watered down, you would be better off chilling the glass.
I love Ice. Use a single 2" square cube or Sphere. Tasting the differences/nuances from freshly poured to the water added by the ice a little later is my favorite part of using ice.
I have the soapstone ones... at first I loved them, but now I'm finding they leave an odd 'earthy/gritty' taste in my mouth... especially towards the end of a dram.
Biggest complaint/issue I've heard of about stones is they have a fairly low heat capacity, that is they don't keep stuff cool for long. I have a set of stainless steel ones that have some sort of gel inside which supposedly is better. I've never done a side-by-side comparison, but my impression is the stainless ones are just OK.

Spherical ice ball is what I typically use now (fully clear if possible).
If you prefer ice, you could try this. Pretty cool I think.


Skull Ice Cube Mold
You think Skeletor drinks his scotch with some standard block of ice? Hell, no! Yes, that’s primarily because he’s a cartoon character, but if you want to ice down some booze in the most diabolical way possible, check out this Skull Ice Cube Mold. The two part mold turns your H20 into a large skull to cool down your drink. Simple to fill and remove, the skull block measures 3″ x 3″ and won’t melt down as quickly as a few cubes tossed in there with your Glenlivet. Sure there are whiskey purists out there who wouldn’t let any bit of ice touch their sweet, delicious booze, but the awesomeness of the Skull Ice Cube trumps that feeling.
i was always under the impression whisky flavors were "unleashed" a bit, with a splash of water. i do understand that it may not be for everyone so,,, straight up will have its followers as well. but i have never heard of stones. interesting.
I love Ice. Use a single 2" square cube or Sphere. Tasting the differences/nuances from freshly poured to the water added by the ice a little later is my favorite part of using ice.

+1 I like the way the slowly melting ice changes the flavor profile. I have stone shot glasses and they don't do anything for me. I went back to my rocks glasses.
I have a set of soapstone Whisky rocks. I don't always use them but they do add a slight chill and work nice. I would recommend them.
Keep in mind that Whisky rocks aren't necessarily designed to make you dram cold, just to give it a slight chill.

I like rocks and a few drops of water in my Macallans 12, brings out a lot of Sherry - not that there isn't a lot in the first place :)
My girlfriend got me a set of soapstone cubes as a gift. I don't ever chill my whiskey but I will use them in a glass of sipping vodka.

What other shallow drinks might they work in?
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