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Whipped up an Altoids Travel Case for my Edwin Jagger...

I was bored and had some materials handy, so I whipped up a prototype for a travel case to hold my Edwin Jagger. I'm pretty happy with how it came out for a prototype, but I did learn a lot for the next go around. I apologize for the lacking picture quality, we're still unpacking from a move and I haven't quite located my camera proper.

-Cutting Board
-X-Acto Knife
-Hot Glue Gun (better adhesive to be used next go around)

-3/32" Basswood
-Foam Sheet

And here's a few pictures:




Gorgeous work! When do you start selling them?

:laugh: The process might need a bit more refining. I didn't have the foresight to actually make a template for anything, so I'll actually be starting from scratch next time I'm inclined to put one together. I'll throw this one up for free to someone though. Preferably with a different razor (which looking around these boards, is most of you), and the ability to take a picture of said razor in it so I can see how other razors fit before I start on a next one to make any miniscule adjustments to make it a little more friendly to variety. As a note, anything with a handle longer than the Edwin Jagger handle shown (roughly 3 7/16") more than likely won't fit. I also haven't had hands-on with a lot of razors, so I'm not sure if there's much variance in the width of the head, but there is a tiny bit of wiggle room still in there. Due to the height of the container, a razor with the head still attached won't fit, and I doubt the head of a 2-piece would either.

So for the tl;dr version: If you really want this, and you have something other than an Edwin Jagger razor with a handle that's 3 7/16" inches or less in length, and a three piece head, I might be inclined to send you this thing if you'll post a picture of the razor in it for me. Feel free to PM me if you're so inclined.

(Personal Note: I'd love to see if a Weber DLC with Bulldog handle would fit in this bad boy)
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