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While in Italy what shaving gear to buy?

A work friend of mine said he would pick some shaving gear up for me while on vacation in Italy if I kick him some Euros and give him a list, so I am wondering what is out there that I could ask him to hunt up?
Almost everything is available worldwide these days. Tell your friend thanks but no thanks, order from an online Vendor and then take your friend for a beer when he returns.
You should get some Floid Amber or Blue. Hard to get in Canada due to shipping issues and way cheaper in Italy.
Thank you all for the advice, I think I might be cruel and and ask him to look for P.160 in an improbable hope he might find a cake of it.
How about this....have him visit ABC in Milan for a haircut and or shave? Truly a legendary guy-spa experience. He can pick up some soap (very Cella-like) or almond shampoo (excellent) or apricot-husk aftershave balm (excellent).

The web site is here
Just got back and no hardware was cheaper than the online boys . Have him pickup some creams or aftershaves
You will get "Proraso" almost everywhere in Italy.It´s availabe in almost every shop.And the "Palmolive Renfriscante".It´s a face-freezer...and cheap as hell.

I saw a few "I Coloniali" products (shower gel,shampoo,cream...) but i didn´t get anything of this.Also "Prep" is available almost everywhere.
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