As I am possibility of going down the road of MAYBE getting another razor to satisfy my OCD to add to my 3 razors I have now (I have also bought and sold a few). It looks like Edwin Jagger has been eliminated from the mix and I am looking at Razorock for many different reasons including decent cost.
I see there is a Lupo 72, The Game Changers including the .68, .84, and the Mamba line. I am leaning towards the Game Changers.
What would the suggestions be for course wirery black / Grey hair? I shave every 2-3 days. On a rare occasion 4-5 when I am sick. I figure that's the Henson's job. My current lineup is the Henson ++, The Fatip Gentile, and the Fatip OC. Once I decide I will just wait and possibly wait for something to show on Ebay since I have 3.
Have a great weekend all.
I see there is a Lupo 72, The Game Changers including the .68, .84, and the Mamba line. I am leaning towards the Game Changers.
What would the suggestions be for course wirery black / Grey hair? I shave every 2-3 days. On a rare occasion 4-5 when I am sick. I figure that's the Henson's job. My current lineup is the Henson ++, The Fatip Gentile, and the Fatip OC. Once I decide I will just wait and possibly wait for something to show on Ebay since I have 3.
Have a great weekend all.