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Which Ones To Restore?

These are the brushes I have found over the last couple of weeks. As you can see, I have removed a couple of knots so far. The others have had no real clean up.

Are all of these candidates for knot restoration? The one on the far right is about half the size of a regular knot. It may have been made as a travel brush.

What do you think?
If they aren't broken I would restore as many as you can. The red and white ever ready is a really nice handle, have one myself.
Don't even bother throwing away that third one (looks a bit like a Simpsons Commodore). Send it to me and I'll do it for you.
The Rubberset and Everready in the center look like they could clean up real nicely. I'm in the process of re-doing an Everready 89 and I really like the brush.
I would restore any that you don't feel can be used as is. The black/butterscotch is the same handle of a brush I have. In fact, I worked on it over the weekend. The knot shelf is too shallow for my taste, so I removed it and filled the handle with epoxy. I going to use an 18mm knot set at a short loft, but you might could tightly squeeze a 20 mm knot in it.

The brush on the far right is interesting. I would check the knot size in it before removing it. Make sure you can find an appropriate-sized replacement.

Lots of great projects to pick from, only question is, "Which one is the first?"
I've seen brushes with shorter lofts like the one on the right before. I don't think it was meant as a travel brush. Everyone used to face lather in the old days. The knot actually looks in pretty good shape although it may be a little stiff and prickly. Wash it up and give it a try before re-knotting.
In any case. I think they're all good candidates for re-knotting.
If this is your first restore and time gluing in a knot, don't do your favorite handle first. It is easy to use too much epoxy and it would suck to screw up your favorite. Do one you like first, but not your favorite. Save your favorite until 3rd or 4th. It will give you time to get your technique down and figure out what you like. I would order a few knots at the same time and save on shipping.

If you have redone brushes before, then do the one you like the most or would use on regular basis.


My elbows leak
Staff member
The second from the left in the first pic should clean up nicely and look like these when reknotted;
These are ugly and horrific and should not exist in this world. Please send me them so they can be properly destroyed :biggrin1:
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